After seeing "Yes Man" I decided I too would start saying yes to everything.
Hence: a move, random dates and tons of traveling.
First Stop: NEW YORK CITY!
I honestly think I developed a drinking problem this month.
Scorpion bowls, Margaritas and Blue Moon.
And, at Mardi Gras I tested Red Stripe
(just to make sure I would like it in JAMAICA!)

Oh, March. How did I even survive this month.
The good: Ok Go and Ikea.
The bad: date with a (almost) 40 year old and Alaskans in Jamaica
More traveling. More crazy times.
Washington DC.
Roadtrip to Myrtle Beach with the worlds most amazing people.
And more poor decisions made at La Quinta
"You're only strangers until you share a pizza"
Goodbye/Good luck parties
I threw myself three.
My parents surprised me at HAPPY HOUR and my Grandmother bought me a shot
At the end of the month, I was leaving for North Carolina

The move was supposed to go a lot different
But after only TWO weeks of being in NC
my roommate stopped talking to me.
Good news, me and Danny had our first (and amazing) date!

I fell in love.
and fast.
I have never been so happy, loved, and comfortable with anyone or anything
in my entire life.

I did what I do best....
South Carolina, Myrtle Beach (twice) and Jacksonville more times than I can count!
I had SO much fun and loved every second of it.
Danny came home with me for the first time ever.
I decided I needed to move out of my house.
And didn't care that I lost a friend forever because of it.
I'm officially 110% happy with EVERYTHING in my life
and won't let anyone stand in my way of it.

My amazing boyfriend and best friend asked me to marry him
Yes, its fast. No, I don't care.
I spent most of October in Boston

My nerves got the best of me when we decided to go to Ohio for Thanksgiving.
I have never been more nervous to meet someone AND HE'S FIVE!
And on a long weekend, Mom visited and I moved out of the house.
I'm back in Massachusetts for the month. Danny will be here TOMORROW night!
After posting all these pictures of myself, I've realized the jeans in the first picture no longer fit,
I haven't seen Zenovia since April in Myrle Beach
and my world has done a complete 180.
And I couldn't be happier with all of that!
(well, the jeans thing does kind of depress me...)

The year isn't over yet. But
I do believe this has been the best year yet.
In less than 3 months
I'll be marrying my best friend
and I couldn't be happier!
Thank You to everyone who has made 2009 an amazing year!
I love you all.