I'm currently obsessed with drink pitchers so this "Hot Tamale" ceramic pitcher jumped right out at me...hmmm...margaritas anyone?

For one entry just follow my blog and leave a comment to let me know you're a follower. For a second entry, blog about this giveaway with a link back here and leave a comment on this post with the link. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you're the lucky duck... if I don't hear from the winner by October 4th I will draw a new winner.
Since this month seems to by flying by I think we'll make this a "Goodbye September" giveaway. Contest entries will close at 5:00pm PST on Thursday, September 30th. I'll use a random number generator to choose the winner who will be emailed the one time use certificate code.
So there you have it! Good luck to all!