It's a pleasure to feature Elizabeth from Cary, NC, this week and her shop, iknitandbead. Elizabeth is passionate about knitting and yarn, having taught herself to knit from a book, and loves to spend time in yarn shops just touching and selecting the wool for her creations. Inspired by colour and the natural world, this is a really cheerful shop and perfect for browsing on a cold winter's day when just looking at the scarfs, hats, cowls and gloves will make you feel warmer!
This multi coloured chenille scarf will keep you warm and cosy and coordinate with almost any colours you were wearing.
I love the unusual colour and texture combinations in this knitted necklace wth a flower pendant. What a great idea to combine those two skills!
There's a matching bracelet in this gold, brown and pink yarn too.
Elizabeth describes these lime green circle earrings as 'simple but beautiful' and I couldn't agree more. They could take you to a really dressed up function, or look stunning with jeans and a T shirt.
You can catch up with Elizabeth through the following links: