So instead of beads, I bring you randomness!
One of my "week of birthday" gifts from the hubster...just in time for Storm Watch 2010 in Southern California! Luckily we all survived our extreme weather (sorry to those of you who actually DO experience such things) and it's now back to a balmy sunny temperature. I realize that I'll probably only wear them once or twice a year but they were just too cute to do without (and were hugely on sale to boot...hee hee snort giggle!).

I love the Pioneer Woman blog...much to my surprise, after reading a post or two to the hubster, I discovered that he now follows her blog as honor of his love for chick blogs I gave him this photo on canvas for's one of Ree Drummond's amazing photos of moos on her ranch. I couldn't really get a great picture of it on the wall, it looks much larger in person!

And finally, this is why it's a challenge to just make the bed some days! It seems that most of my photos of the pupper involve her sleeping...of course that may be because she moves around too much when she's awake...