A few months after me and Danny got married I read an article in Cosmo titled How to Keep Off Post Wedding Pudge. What I read was shocking!
Holy crap! That's worse than the Freshman Fifteen! And I definitely gained weight my freshman year of college! I've told you my weight loss story...and some of you didn't even think it was me in the "before" picture. But I swear, it is. And I'll be honest...(one of) my biggest fear is to be that size again. I was so uncomfortable with myself. But if I'm being totally honest...I love food. Like, more than any person should. Have you noticed most of my posts revolve around vacations, which revolve around food? I love food!
I don't exactly remember how much I weighed on March 13, 2010 but I'm gonna say 130lbs give or take a pound. After our Disney vacation I was 138lbs. That's the most I've been in SIX years. Talk about a huge disappointment! I weighed myself on the morning of March 13, 2011. The official first year of marriage has put 8lbs on my body. Sure, it's not the average 21, but it's still kinda sucky!
I'm 5'1 and for arguments sake I'll say I have a medium frame (anyone who knows me, what do you think? I clearly have a strange body image of myself.) According to this website I should weight between 115 and 129. My goal weight has always been 125.
So, that's the whole point of this post! I'm starting a change...not a diet, just a change. Eating right, working out...and not eating huge amounts of food just because I'm bored. My goal is not only to be bathing suit ready...but to feel more confident. My weight loss goal is 13lbs. Here's a little ticker to help keep track of my goal!

Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!