After all the serious, business-orientated post that I've put up lately, it's time for a little bit of fun! To start with - I'm excited to report that I've been given a blog award!

Isn't that cool? Now - I'm lame and I don't pass these on to people - mostly because I can't decide who among all my lovely friends to pick! It's not fair to leave some of you out. I do want to say a HUGE thanks to the Simply Sticky blog for nominating me though! Make sure you check out the blog :)
Guess what? I got jewelry stuff for Christmas! My awesome mother-in-law bought me a jig so I can continue to grow in my wire work. I've started playing around with it, but I have a feeling it'll be a week or two before you see anything. I want it to look good!

In other news - remember my Firebird Necklace? Well, I originally created it for a challenge for Team Big Damn Crafters. Fire was first and foremost n my mind as I created this - and I played around a lot to find a pattern I liked. In the end I took a simple pattern for the base, and added on to it!
Well, I knew as soon as I finished this piece that I wanted to do more. I didn't know what colors - but I knew I wanted to do more! It just turned out so beautiful and I'm so proud of it! Well, after lots of thinking, and long conversations with my crafty Mom, I've decided to make this necklace the first in a series based on the four elements. I have the plans written up for the next three pieces, and hopefully I'll start working on the one for Air soon :) It all depends on when I'm able to buy the seed beads I need for it. That and I have a custom order to work on first...
Can you tell that lately I have a million and half ideas lately? have no idea! :P
Guess what? I got jewelry stuff for Christmas! My awesome mother-in-law bought me a jig so I can continue to grow in my wire work. I've started playing around with it, but I have a feeling it'll be a week or two before you see anything. I want it to look good!

In other news - remember my Firebird Necklace? Well, I originally created it for a challenge for Team Big Damn Crafters. Fire was first and foremost n my mind as I created this - and I played around a lot to find a pattern I liked. In the end I took a simple pattern for the base, and added on to it!
Well, I knew as soon as I finished this piece that I wanted to do more. I didn't know what colors - but I knew I wanted to do more! It just turned out so beautiful and I'm so proud of it! Well, after lots of thinking, and long conversations with my crafty Mom, I've decided to make this necklace the first in a series based on the four elements. I have the plans written up for the next three pieces, and hopefully I'll start working on the one for Air soon :) It all depends on when I'm able to buy the seed beads I need for it. That and I have a custom order to work on first...
Can you tell that lately I have a million and half ideas lately? have no idea! :P