Please excuse any typing errors in this post...it's possible that my fingers are still defrosting from the MINUS 45ish weather that I just spent a week trying to survive in! It was almost surreal leaving the airport yesterday to drive home, it was sunny and about 70 degrees when we got back to San Diego. Despite packing both my camera and my Flip Video, I used neither one... sad I know, but I just wasn't willing to spend more than the amount of time required outdoors to run from one heated area to another! I also had the best intentions of getting some pictures of my niece and nephew but forgot about that as well-ugh!
The photo above (that I found by a very talented photographer on Flickr here) is just what it was during our whole stay, that beautiful castle like building in the background is the hotel we stayed at. The city is definitely stunning in the winter (from a window) but for me it loses all charm if you have to go outside!
I plan to do almost nothing but relax for the next couple of days, it was a necessary but very tiring and busy trip. I also managed to pick up a cold (how can you not in that weather?!) so soup and tea are in order I think. Then finally sitting down and playing with some of the new stones and pearls that I've recently picked up should be a little stress reducer!
I wish you all a Happy New Year!