Mei over at WireBlissMei recently awarded me for the 'Kreativ Blogger Award'. Thanks Mei for this award and I will definitely do a better job in bringing Handmade-Jewelry-Club to the next level this year!
These are the rules:
1. The winner may put this award on their blog.
2. Please put a link to the person that presented you for this award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to all their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
I will go through some of the blogs in the next few days and will nominate the 5 blogs gradually.1. Pearl of The Beading Gem's Journal
I have been following The Beading Gem's Journal for about 2 months. I am amazed with Pearl with her dedication in providing informative and creative contents on daily basis. Her topics can be ranging from creative jewelry designs to plumbing to tips and techniques. I am sure Pearl has put in a lot of hardwork behind this. Thanks to Pearl for the sharing!
2. Wendy of Diary of a Miniature Enthusiast
Her blog is interesting! A young jewelry artist with very casual writing style. She blogs about her jewelry, her life as a student and her business.