So, I finally had a chance to see the movie. My son (Jay) and I were waiting for months for it to come out. You see, we are lovers of all things World War II , and since there isn't too many World War II movies that come out, when one finally does, we have to go! Especially if it offers any humor to it. World War II movies and humor is not a very likely pair.
Anyway, we were supposed to go see it with my father when he was in town...he was here on opening day. The problem? My father strongly dislikes Brad Pitt. So, we didn't go. "I refuse to spend money to see an actor I can't stand." Jay and I were devastated! After all that time we waited! Well, that's okay, because we went yesterday after school shopping. Now, I'm not too fond of Brad Pitt myself, but I didn't let my lack of fondness of Tom Cruise keep me from seeing Valkyrie either!
The consensus? We loved it! It was a little long, but it was hilarious, full of action with tons of giggle-factor and the ending was worth the wait. Brad Pitt was surprisingly funny with his southern-drawl sarcastic way of talking - had me busting in giggles every time he was on screen. I have to say that I'm glad we didn't drag my father to see it as he would have hated it. Despite the bad reviews, I still enjoyed it. If it wasn't for my son, I probably would have waited for it to come out on DVD. However, the money spent for the theater was worth the wonderful day that my son and I spent together. He's 13 you know, and my time with him is slipping fast. Before you know it, he will be packing his things and dumping a whopping case of empty-nest-syndrome in my lap.
One word of caution: if you are not really into World War II, you may not like this movie. Oh, one more word of caution - my son begged me to stop at the hobby shop to pick up yet another German tank model, so be prepared for it to cost a little more if your kids are into World War II! Where will I be today? Working in the studio next to Jay working on his model!