So, I am a hour into my craft show this morning and WHAM! A yellow jacket stung me. Not so good when you are allergic to bees. I called the hubby to have him run my
meds over. I'm still trying to talk to potential customers in my booth while hubby passed me all my
meds....one by one....along side a water bottle to swallow the pills. The look of horror on my potential customer's face seeing me pop pills mid-sentence. Don't worry, I explained my predicament. I only lasted two more hours and had to leave as the swelling and pain was too much for me. Now, don't think me a sissy. I bore three children natural with no drugs or
meds and was always quite annoyed by the other women in labor carrying on! "You knew it was gonna hurt!" For anyone with bee allergies, you can quite understand the pain
of the sting that will last for days. Most people get stung and the pain subsides after a while. Not with bee allergies. The pain and welting can last for a long time. The last time I was stung on my leg, I had a red welt the size of a dinner plate on my thigh for at least 9 months after the sting!
I don't know what it is this year with the bees. I get my house and yard exterminated and preventative treated for yellow jackets and wasps three times a year to help cut down the chances of my being stung. The company came out last week to spray
their last treatment of the year and he stated that this year the bees are the most aggressive he has ever seen them in previous years. In fact, I didn't provoke this bee. I was sitting there waiting for people to come to my booth and the
sucka stung me before I even knew there was a bee near me.
It may be a few days before I post again as I was stung on my middle finger of my left hand and presently cannot use the hand. I hate this slow typing! My right hand is fine and so is my clicking finger, so I will continue to drop cards, I just cannot comment :(
Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone! I guess I will be enjoying mine as I cannot work even if I wanted to! Maybe it's God's way of telling me that I
am going to take a day off!