Friday Fives: Remembering 9/11

Just Me and My Life

Today the topic is a little different.
Instead of listing items that we want or are in love with,
we are listing the 
Five Things We Remember about September 11, 2001

 1. Location
Growing up we always heard the stories of where our parents where the day Kennedy was shot. This is our "where were you..." day. It was the beginning of my sophomore year. I was in gym class, but for some reason we didn't have to get changed into gym clothes that day. I remember sitting on the bleachers chatting with my friends when we heard a rumor that a plane hit a building. I don't remember my initial thoughts, I probably didn't take it seriously. Math was my next class, we had a TV in that room. D Block was our longest period, I watched the entire day unfold in my math class. 

2. My Sister
Michelle stayed home sick that day. I don't know why, but whenever I think of September 11th I always think of this. My boyfriend at the time went over to check on her after he saw what happened on the news. I remember I didn't find that out until way after 9/11. 

3. My Thoughts
I was scared. So scared that I didn't go to school for a long time after September 11th. I was paranoid, loud noises scared me. I couldn't sleep alone, I had to have my Mom sleep with me. Even if I had a friend sleepover, I would crawl into bed with Mom and Dad. Yes, I was a sophomore in high school and I was sleeping with my parents. I got a weird package in the mail, I was convinced it was anthrax. When planes started flying again, I jumped. My first "outing" after 9/11 was to the  mall....the loud noises from the Rainforest Cafe scared the SHIT out of me. I believe that September 11 changed me. I became paranoid and nervous, and to this day I still deal with some of these things.

4.Word Search
Nothing could keep my mind off of that day. I stayed at my great-grandmothers house during the day. She had an old word search puzzle that I found. It was the only thing that could keep my mind off everything. I just remember sitting for hours on Nana's couch doing those puzzles and hoping that the news wouldn't interrupt the soap operas.

5. Music
Suddenly everyone was patriotic. The radio stations only played patriotic music. I think until that day I didn't realize how many patriotic songs there actually were. My favorites? Of course, Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." And for some reason, I really like this one 

What do you remember?

Pictures from a 2007 trip to New York City
  Do not steal my pictures