by MaryAnn Carroll
After reading Mary Jane's post yesterday, it made me think about balance in my own life. Depending on what area of my life I'm thinking about, balance means many different things to me, but the most important need for balance in my life is with my family. My usual routine is to go to work every day as a resource middle school teacher, come home, sometimes exercise and then either work on computer related bead business or make beads or jewelry related to that business. I guess in some ways, I'm a workaholic. I do, however, know that family is extremely important to me, so I also always try to find the time on weekends to be with family. This little family member, my first born granddaughter Lacey brings me incredible joy! Actually, just writing this makes me get a little emotional thinking about her. It seems like not too long ago her Dad (my oldest) was this age. For those of you who are young, with young children, remember that time goes by very fast so enjoy the time that you have with them.
Lacey is already over 3 years old and it seems just yesterday she was that 3 1/2 pound premie born 6 weeks early. I can't remember how many weeks she spent in the the hospital before coming home with a monitor, but today, you wouldn't know it. She is lively, bright and of course.....ADORABLE!! I do my best to take the time out on weekends a couple of times a month to spend with her. Here she is yesterday getting ready for the 3D version of Rapunzel (Tangled) which, by the way,
I would definitely recommend.
I would definitely recommend.

And then it was off to the Build-a-Bear Workshop. Here' Rudolph prior to being stuffed...

And right before being give his heart....
That's the heart that she is rubbing on her head before it goes into the reindeer :O)

And....ready to go home....his nose even lights up!!! Next to her is her cousin Richie.
He often joins us on our outtings.... I love taking him along :O)
And some more Lacey news.....I make jewelry for everyone as Christmas gifts. I try to make something that would work just right for them. Erika, Lacey's Mom, loves pink. Pink is just not one of my favorites so I always have a little more trouble coming up with something handmade and pink! A few months ago Little Lacey glazed these wonderful beads. Actually, the first group is her own design. If you are interested, you can read a little more about that by clicking HERE.

And she also glazed this group that my son Ben made...

And for the Pink..... This is week two of experimenting with enamel fired beads that I purchased from Barbara Lewis..... I ordered PINK!!! I still need practice, but I'm getting better at it :O)

And the necklace for Erika....I hope she likes it! How could she not, it's pink and it has her daughter's own work on it :O)

Before closing, here are a couple of pics of my other two precious grandchildren.
There still a little young to be heading out on our adventures.


Don't forget the drawing for tomorrow's giveaway.
Click HERE to win these fabulous fired enameled earrings.