Christmas dinner was fabulous! Usually we have a bunch of people over, but my Uncle and his family decided to host dinner at their new house too. So, it was just Mom, Dad, Michelle, Danny, my great-grandmother and me. Small....and a lot of food.
For starters I made kibbeh. It is a Lebanese dish that I tried at Danny's grandmothers on Thanksgiving. It is so simple to make and really yummy! We also had shrimp cocktail and some other finger foods.
Then it was time for dinner..and I was already stuffed. We had a huge breakfast at 9 and had dinner at 2. So so so full! Mom made prime rib, turkey....and haddock. For six people..but enough for an army! There was also Mom's awesome stuff, squash, mashed potatoes, cabbage, green beans....and I'm sure I'm leaving something out.

There was so much food leftover...we didn't even remember that Mom made a triffle for dessert! Needless to say, Sunday was a day of picking on leftovers and eating lots of desserts. This vacation has definitely expanded my waistline. UGH!
As you all read, Danny and Miley are trekking through the winter blizzard. I'm crossing my fingers that this 12 hour trip doesn't become a 20 hour trip..because I'm seriously missing my bed!