Bill and I met six years ago, and have been married over three years. Prior to our marriage (I know I have it a little backwards), we built the house that we have in Homer, NY. Bill did all of the designing with my expert womanly opinions, of course! We then set out to build. We did all of it ourselves except for a few parts that were better left to experts. Seven months after starting, we were moving in with our two teens. Both grew up and moved to the Syracuse area just north of us. That left us with two decent sized, empty bedrooms in our walkout basement.
I hate to admit this, but the main area downstairs and the bedrooms were neglected other than an occasional visitor which forced me into clean up mode so that they could spend some time with us. That was always my sister or it was one of our combined six offspring returning for the night. So, no big deal....
The next thing you know, one room became a storage area for my son and his family while they transitioned between homes. The room was jam packed with their furniture so I never really paid it much attention. That was until....they came to move it out. I was called by Charles (my son) informing me that we had black mold!! UGHHHH! Apparently, when the landscapers put the mulch down in the spring, they put some in the window wells which held the water....until, of course, it found it's way into that room.
Here is that room now... If it weren't for that dang window that you see by the TV, this room probably wouldn't look like this right now... Perhaps, I should thank the window rather than curse it!
I'm so excited about it. Both Bill and I are teachers, so during our Christmas break, he headed off for a three day snowmobile trip with his son Jay. I headed to the downstairs with my mask on to rip up moldy carpet and then start the amonia mixed with water clean up...... I then proceeded to patch and paint the VERY PINK walls....and Voila!!! ..... we now have a fabulous room for our guests!
Part II
I started to find myself swimming in beads, glazes, clay, wire and then came the torch, the copper beads and the enamel from Barbara Lewis. I was now on to painting with fire. That started to tip my little spread out all over the house "area" the other way. I knew that I couldn't keep my "torching station" on my counter! I was torching, hammering and making all kinds of jewelry right up until Christmas morning....Can you believe it? I thought I had a head start this year planning which beads, etc. for the jewelry I wanted to make way back on December 1st.
The second deserted bedroom: This used to be Jay's. I chose this one because there was more light. Both rooms do have full sized windows, but this one has a couple of extras. By the time I got started on this, Bill was home from his trip only to find me walking around like my next stop was the nursing home. There really are some things that you shouldn't do at 50 years old and one of them is ripping up carpet on my hands and knees. I have since recovered and I'm walking upright again. he promised and 'of course' he planned it all out on paper (he doesn't just 'wing it' like I so often do), he set out to build my very 1st jewelry studio! I'm psyched!
Here is where my beads will be stored...... you see that counter in the back....Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! That is my torching area and I can pound away in the area right next to it!

Here we have it.....almost done!

I've added my many, many trays of beads that I used to pile up on the bed with me while I created the jewelry that I was going to wear....... Now...they have a home :O)

This is the only table that I have for now. I will be checking Craig's List regularly for a deal on the table that will work in this space. I'm also psyched that when I have friends and family over who want to make jewelry (it happens often)...we can head right on downstairs rather than me pulling out tons of storage cases!

As you can see....this corner is still work in progress. Bill has designed a photo counter for my picture taking. I built my own white box from left over ceiling tiles...They hooked together nicely and with my glue gun and duct tape....I now have a place for photos....something that I desperately needed.
There you have it! All that hard work and I'm thrilled! It always feels so good when you work hard at something and you can stand back and admire it :O)
Once it is totally complete and I've actually organized, I'll let you know. As for my ceramics....Well....they are still staying up in my dining area and the armoire is remaining as is filled with beads and glazes.... I'm not ready to include that due to the dust that goes along making beads. I hate to dust and I certainly, do not want to have to dust my studio any more than what is necessary!!!
Oh yeah....that neglected large's still in the neglected stage, but will soon become a gallery for displaying Bill's finished pottery and my jewelry. Selling pottery, beads, and jewelry is our plan for our retirement. I'm excited that I'm actually seeing this come to life.