by MaryAnn Carroll
happy thoughts.... good times... sunny days... warm winds... stay current... all DONE!Those are just a few of the thoughts that passed through my brain while I was fighting against the elements to get the finishing touches on our website completed before today.
I're asking, "elements?"
Why, I just have an answer to explain that.... or, perhaps, I will share some of those thoughts too....
blasted snow! darn satellite internet connection! ughhh! I'll try again later! ughhh! who predicted a snowstorm? will it ever be warm again? ughhh!
You get the picture. Although I do love living in Central, New York and could never really understand why others who were raised around this area would leave; I was ready to pack it up yesterday and head for some warmer winds, sunshine and any pretty much any place where the internet would stay connected!
Today, however, everything is calm, light falling snow, travel is back to normal, driveway needs to be plowed... thank-you, Bill :O)
And.... our already new website has received a MAKEOVER! That is one word, right?
To help us with our 5 month, 6 day, 2 hour anniversary....
You could WIN.... yes WIN.... these, might I say, very cool ceramic, spring themed, (they're actually all-season beads... but today, we are thinking Spring) by just heading on over to our website and signing the guestbook. I'm even going to make this very easy for you.....
Click HERE. Then, when you get there, please and I am saying, "please," sign our guestbook. And this time, just let us know whatever comes to mind after cruising through and checking out the various artwork displayed.
for those of you who love to conversate (that is a new word that I learned on Judge Judy yesterday), feel free to throw your two cents in on the blog too! We LOVE all you conversators!
But, I'm refusing ~ harsh, I know :O(
to bounce back and forth and figure out who has signed where. The winner will be chosen from the guestbook on the website.
The winner (chosen at random next Sunday) will win these....

So, if you like them.... and, please keep your conversating to yourself if you don't ;o)
head on over to the website and start yackin'!