Hello Handmade Jewelry Club readers,
Have you missed out some of our posts this week? Here is a compilation of articles for you....


February 14, 2011
"The bracelets are said to be lucky - the person receiving one makes a wish as the bracelet is fastened on his or her wrist. Then the bracelet should be worn without removing until it falls off its own accord when the threads eventually worn out. At that moment, legend has it, the wish will come true.” This is an excerpt from the book, Friendship Bracelets by Veronique Follet. Read more...
February 15, 2011

An Interweave Recommended Tutorial
String vintage-style buttons into a brilliant bracelet with seed beads and crystals.
February 16, 2011

Meet Lynn Stevens of TRASH TO TREASURE ART blog, a wife for 30 years who loves art second to her husband and son. She’s also hosted spoon making projects and I can say, she’s an expert in this craft. Read more...
February 17, 2011
An Interweave Recommended Tutorial
A step-by-step technique guide complemented by more than 240 line drawings, that provides every tip and technique necessary for wireworking success. Photographs of finished objects accompany projects. Read more...
February 18, 2011

Who would think we can make jewelry out of Pistachios? Aside from the health benefits that we get from Pistachio nuts, nothing is wasted because we can still use the shells. With only a drilling tool, just the portable one, carefully drill holes on the shells, put a little accent here and there, and viola, a perfect necklace! Read more...
February 19, 2011

An Interweave Recommended Tutorial
Play Around with Peyote Stitch
Master one of the most popular stitches and enhance your jewelry with 12 favorite projects you can have right now! Read more...
DiyLessons Recommended Video Tutorials from Camille Sharon
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