I think I have finally made a decision. This is actually thanks to the opinions of all of you. If you have left a comment to help me decide, I thank you very much for that. It is not easy taking a step back and really looking at what you are currently doing, deciding what you can do better. While change is good, it's not easy to adopt new routines. I'm one of those people that if my schedule gets thrown off early in my day, the rest of my day is shot. I just can't seem to get back on track.
So here is what I have decided. I will taper off the EC for a while. I apologize to all my droppers as I have not dropped one card since last week. I tried this as an experiment. I wanted to see who is dropping because they actually visit me on a regular basis or if it was click-oriented only. I'm going to try to take some time today to check this out, and of course, will be dropping on my favorite blogs. I will resume dropping tomorrow, but will be following the lead of many of you: dropping in only on my favorite blogs. No more 300 clicks per day for me. Over the last several days, no dropping has confirmed the fact that the less time I spend in front of the computer dropping cards to get more traffic gives me that much more time in the studio working! Unless, of course, you caught that Webinar from Tim Adams last night (getting more traffic to your Etsy shop). Did any of you partake in it? I didn't. I was afraid it was another "throw you a few teasers then make you pay for.....", so I didn't bother. He has probably already indulged us in that information, anyway. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bash him. He is a very smart marketer. I just question the scruples.
So, Cornyman, yea - I have been with Adgitize for a long time. I never really looked in to how to use it. I will have to set aside some time in the near future to really figure out how to do it....and I will be visiting all your posts within the next couple of days. I have been really swamped with custom orders (please, I'm not complaining), but have been having a hard time schedule-wise as my step-children seem to think my business is a hobby and I sit home alone wearing the fuzzies and watching Oprah and The View! WrOnG! Neither of them want to pay for an actual day-care because they think their children are too good for one (using the pretense that they can't afford it, when in actuality, they are eligible for financial help), so they rely on family members to do their regular babysitting (the other grandmother in both cases). However, if the other grandmother has something going on, the babysitting falls back on me. And it has been falling back on me quite a bit lately. The worst part is I don't agree to it - I get volunteered to do it by my hubby. Makes me so mad. (he does way too much for his grown children who should be able to go more than one day without calling dad to do something or another for them!) So, to keep the peace, I babysit. One problem, though - I DON'T GET ANY WORK DONE!!!! I had to baby sit one day two weeks ago, 3 days last week and so far one day this week (which I didn't even know I was doing until the kids showed up at the house - 4 year old and 5 month old)(which set me back as Monday was a holiday and I stupidly took off to hang out with a friend all day and today my son has a doctor appointment to have outpatient surgery on his foot. I always seem to get volunteered to do one thing or another for his kids which ends up taking a lot of my time...and I shouldn't be worried about my son - he's 13 and still lives home. He is my responsibility, so it makes sence I would have to do for my kids. I have a 21 year old daughter who is out on her own and the only time she asks me do to something for her is to look up something on the internet as she doesn't own a computer or to get a hold of my mother for her (her g-ma) if she can't reach her. It just aggravates me that I do more for my grown step-children as they can't seem to do anything for themselves (dad never taught them how, apparently. Can you believe that he used to drive to his one daughters apartment once a week just to get her garbage to bring here because she didn't want to drag it to the road once a week?) than I do my own children who demand my time to spend time with them, not do things for them. Well, Jacy will demand a slushy from time to time. I am so glad I raised my children to be independant. I love them calling me or asking me to spend time with them, not do things for them. I could go on and on - it seems like every day I have to break my schedule to do something for the kids that can't do anything for themselves. Oh, you haven't seen anything. I could start a new blog just about my step-children that will read like scripts from the Lifetime Channel. Ask my kids! Drives them nuts! Can we say D-R-A-M-A? RRRRRrrrrrrrrr!
Anyway, thanks again to all your comments - you each will be hearing from me soon! Oh, have a great day (I will be TryinG!)