I know some think that 13 is an unlucky number - but I have lots to show off this week so it must not hold true for me! So let's get to it.
I realized a few days ago, with panic, that the baby shower is NEXT WEEKEND! I sat down and figured out how many squares I had left, how many days (leaving time to wash it once), and how much that means I need to crochet a day. I have to crochet and attach 6 squares a day! Now I've put in that kind of time on bead weaving many a time, but never crocheting!
Fortunately I'm right on track :) In the last couple of days I've crocheted and attached 16 squares! I have two more done since I took the pic this afternoon, and I have two more left to go to finish up my goal for the night. I know I can do it!
Not much progress from last week - but I've finished all the grey outlining! I won't get much done on it this week either...well at least not until the baby blanket is done! Then again once the blanket is done I'm going to need a serious break from crocheting....
Oh yeah, that's what knitting is for :P
The two hemp bracelets are a custom order for little twin girls for Christmas! I'm excited - because I love kids - and I love twins! So I'm thrilled that I got a chance to do this. I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to get the hemp color I needed. Fortunately I had an AWESOME customer who was very understanding!
I'm back partcipating in the Thursday Sweet Treat weekly theme! This weeks was "In the Stars." Fortunately I recently bought those cute star beads, so coming up with a piece for this week was easy! I also need to restock my consignment store - so that's where this one is going! Of course, if anyone is interested, I can easily make another one for any interested customer.
I've only made a few things with circular brick stitch so far. A pendant for my "Aztec Treasure"necklace, and for a pair of earrings called "Whirl of Colors." Both of those simply used seed beads. For these earrings I branched out a wee bit more and used a larger bead for the center and several different sizes of seed beads - and it went together like a dream! Look for more pieces in similar styles to be showing up in my shop over the next few months.
What's Next?
Well, like I said a good majority of my time this week is being devoted to crocheting. However, both my consignment shops need to be restocked as well! And I have an order that I need to work on tonight to adjust its length so I can mail it when I go to the post office tomorrow.
Did I mention my grandparents are also in town?
I WILL get a good photo of the blanket when it's done to go up in next week's ADD post. I'll also try to get some shots of my consignment pieces and either give them their own post or put them in next weeks ADD post. In the mean time - lets hope my fingers don't fall off!