Today's Sale -----> 10% off all purchases! Use code Birth09Sat in comments to seller in my Etsy shop!
A Halloween wish to all you Halloween'ers! Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween. Now that the kids are older, they don't trick or treat anymore (darn...can't dig in the candy bag anymore!). Therefore, we usually celebrate Halloween with a scary movie at the theater. Tonight will be Saw 6, but we won't be dressing up this year at the theater as we usually do. This year, Jacy is Pyramid Head (took forever to make the head) and he doesn't want to wrangle with it at the theater, not that I blame him. I would have been easy...I wanted to be Flo from Progressive! I love Flo!

Pyramid Head -
Silent Hill
Tayelor is dressing up tonight as she is going to a Halloween party with her friends at the local coffee shop. She's being a Gothic Princess. I will have to post pictures early next week. Speaking of which, I am hoping to do my blog surfing on Monday and seeing lots of Halloween costume pictures!
Have a great evening!