Oh, not me. I'm fine. It's my son.
He gets severe asthma when he gets a chest cold, and well, he has a chest cold. Therefore, asthma. I could not control it with peak flow meter readings and nebulizer treatments as I usually can, so he had to pay a visit to the doctors earlier this week. The result? He doesn't have bronchitis, just a chest cold. However, this cold is making it difficult to get control of his asthma, so he has to take a 5-4-3-2-1 course of steroids (prednisone). We started them Tuesday evening and his peak flow still isn't where it should be as of last night.
In turn, my staff meeting this past Monday has been all in vain, I think. I have not been able to tackle barely anything on the list, and I become frustrated! But then, I stop and think of how many jobs I got in so much trouble or actually fired from because of missing days due to my son's asthma. I then remember that I work for myself now and that I can always work double time next week to catch up. Then the frustration turns to gratefulness as I realize that I can take care of my son the way I am supposed to without fear of getting scolded or being put on probation when I get back to work. My priorities in life are God #1, husband and children #2 and then work is #3, and since I have been out of the mainstream work-force, I can actually uphold those priorities. I guess I need Jacy to have a bad bout of asthma every once in a while to remind me of that!