In any business, it is imperative to hold staff meetings at least monthly. This makes all departments accountable for their responsibilities. How is a one-woman-business any different? Sure, there is only one of me, but don't forget how many hats I wear. Production Manager, Marketing Manager, Accountant, Sales Team...the list could go on. Even though it is only me, I am still responsible for all of the jobs that come with those titles. What keeps me accountable?
A weekly One Woman Staff Meeting. I "report" on the progress of production, inventory and purchasing; what marketing efforts have been installed and what results they produced. How sales have been and how I intend to increase them. How the yearly budget is holding up and review of current financial statements. I know it can be so easy to overlook, but have you ever heard of a business that did not have a staff meeting from time to time? They are so important for keeping everyone on the same page. Even if it is only you and a bunch of hats. The meetings don't have to take much time, either. Mine usually lasts 15 - 20 minutes tops. This time is spent reviewing the things I mentioned above, drawing lists of things to do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and brainstorming for new ideas.
Really, what have you got to lose? Try holding a staff meeting weekly for your business. You would be surprised how much more organized you will be by the next month!