Hey everyone! There's been a lot going on lately so I thought it was time for a "catch up" post to help you remember it all if your interested :P
There is still plenty of time to buy into my hemp bracelet club! $55 gets you a bracelet in the mail each month for the next 6 months. Buy it for yourself, or buy it for someone you love! Either way your getting a great product, at a great price :) And did I mention you'll get a free gift with the first bracelet?

Don't forget to head on over to my One World One Heart blog entry to get your chance to win a pair of lovely earrings! I'll be giving away one pair of earrings ($5 value) for every 50 comments I get on that post, I have 47 as of this moment! Come get your chance to win :)
Want more chances to win? Every month I do a Top Commentators. I keep track of all the comments I receive and the top three commentators get gift certificates! And, just to make it fair, winners from the previous month are not eligible for the current month, so there's chances for everyone! New to my blog? That's alright! You can always do some back reading ;)