Facebook: Making Life Awkward, One Friend Request at a Time

I briefly touched upon this topic the day after my bachelorette party. Danny's ex-wife. I usually don't talk about it here, because it's something that doesn't generally effect our everyday life. I know  I can't erase his past, or the fact that he has a son, nor would I want to. But this girl....seriously. RELENTLESS.

Last summer she called me an "alcoholic" and apparently I "look like a man." I admit, I do like the occassional drink or two, but I am in no way, shape or form an alcoholic. And a man? Ok, in that picture my hair was awful, but not even man-boobs would explain these two things on my chest!

Anyway, that was the only "interaction" we had until the night of my bachelorette party. Dummy me, a photo album on Facebook wasn't "friends only," so it's my thought that she was checking that out. Then she sent me a message with HORRIBLE grammar mistakes, which is why I responded..I was egging her on. Mostly, her concern was that we didn't ask her if Kaleb could be in the wedding. Not true, we had a plan, it didn't work out. And even if we asked her, she would have said no.

Last week she sent me another message, basically saying the same thing, and that I was lucky she "has respect" because she has "so much to say." Whatever, I ignored it. She's just trying to get under my skin.

To end this lovely story, and to sum up the title, today she asked to be my friend. Accept? Deny? Even better..Facebook Limbo! Just let her suffer, knowing she can't ask me again until I obviously deny her. The little devil on my shoulder is telling me to accept her, but to make everything private after.

What would you do?