Attention All Followers!

Goodnight Moon stole the Clothing Sale idea from me, so now I'm stealing her ideas! On Monday she posted questions to her followers. I thought it was such a great idea. I have over 400 followers, and only follow 146 blogs. It got me thinking, I want to know more about the people who read my blog!

Make my day, I'd love to get most of my followers to answer these questions! I look forward to reading your answers!

1) First things first, give me the link to your favorite post on your blog!
2) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
3) You have one day left to live, who do you spend it with?
4) Recommend one book and one movie to me, please!
5) What's your meal?
6) Who's your favorite celebrity train wreck?
7) Tell me one think you would love for me to blog about!