Yay Thursday!
Last week was a very negative Thursday Five.
But even with the threat of Earl knocking at our door
I'm going to come up with the five things things that have made me
1. I was startled out of bed at 5:05AM by Miley getting sick. I fell back to sleep, only to wake up again at 6:15....with Danny still in bed. I'm happy that I was able to wake him up with seconds to spare before he was too late for work!
2. Seven days in a week...and I get to sleep in atleast three of those days. I'm joyous that Miley is finally getting the hint...and command to "GO back to bed!"
3. Danny's birthday is in less than a week: presents have been bought and special birthday dinner has been planned. Very giggly about that!
4. Me and Danny's ex are not best friends, but I feel very lucky that we can be civil with each other. Kaleb started Kindergarten this week...he is loving it! I even noticed that he wore a shirt that we bought him on the first day of school!
5. Danny might be getting out of work early today, I'll be very thankful if he does! I would love to flee Jacksonville right now! The mandatory evacuations are getting a little too close for comfort!