Spring Beaded Lace
I like this pattern because it looks like lace, but it's very modern! It makes a great choker, or you can wear it longer and twisted. I tend to stick to the chokers though. One of these days I really should make some bracelets with it....

Woven Patriotic Lace
Just to tell you how much I love this pattern, not only have I sold several of these, but I have one I wear (in black, purple, and silver), my Mom has two (one in blues, one in red), and my mother in law has one that matches the one I sent Veet! Whew. Wait...that means I need to make one for my sister in law...
When I was putting the necklace up for the giveaway I realized it had been awhile since I made one of these so guess what I'm working on right now? I'll show it to you next week :)