by Kelli Pope
Last week I warned my husband Steve, ahead of time, that I needed to concentrate on making jewelry Friday, Saturday and Sunday to prepare for my show this week. Friday morning, I woke up to a little angel laying next to me, staring me in the face with a sheepish grin on her face!!! Steve just couldn't resist. He went and picked up our adorable granddaughter, Makenna before I got up. So..... guess you know how I spent Friday!! :)

Here, my little Makaroni has decided Chopper would make a wonderful, fluffy seat!

We had a GREAT day, but no jewelry was made... oh darn.... :)
Saturday - All jewelry making, all day...(with a few interruptions, since I HAD to watch the Kentucky Wildcats in the final 4 tournament!!!)
Sunday - Church, jewelry, jewelry, component making, jewelry and more jewelry.
Monday - worked at the office for 11 hours, then home to crank out a couple more pieces before crashing.
Tuesday - Up and at'em early to hammer out those last few components to have on hand at the show. Packed up the jewelry, loaded up the truck and hit the road at 1:00pm. One and 1/2 hour drive later, I'm in Lexington, Ky (home of UK and the BIG BLUE wildcats!! So sorry they lost the tournament :( !! From 5pm - 8pm I was set up and ready for the lovely ladies from the Garden Club of Kentucky.
Wednesday - 8am - 7pm show time again.
Thursday - 8-10:30am final show hours. After that it was packing, loading, lunch with my Sis and heading back toward home. I stopped at the office and worked 3 hours, then arrived home around 7pm to a WONDERFUL steak dinner prepared by my handsome, darlin' Steve. What a guy!!!!!!!!!!!
As I sit her preparing this blog post for you for tomorrow, I'm again reminded of how very, very, very blessed I am to have a wonderful job, a great hobby/creative outlet/2nd job!!, and such a wonderful supportive husband. Thanks too to my wonderful, beautiful sister/Master gardener, who got me into this show and helps me with so many others. We shared a room this week, and just about laughed ourselves sick before we fell asleep each night.
As you read this, it's Friday again, and I'm back at the office ........ WHAT a week!!!

ONE of my bins of displays, packed and ready for the road.

My Explorer loaded and ready to go.
Those of you who do shows likely know, packing becomes an art in itself!!
(and this is without my tent, chairs and other 3 tables!!!!!)

And the funny thing is........... all of the actual jewelry fits into these 2 little cases!! :)

Necklaces all neatly wrapped and nested in this one.
Earrings and bracelets in this one..... This is the box AFTER the show :) YAY!!
Thanks SO much Garden Club of Kentucky ladies!!!!!!!!! (What a fun bunch of gals!!!)
So? How was your week? Hope it was as fully blessed and creative as mine!!!