Here's mine, in no particular order, reflecting the state of my poor brain right now.
1. Finish something, anything with seed beads!
2. Get back on the torch and complete my custom orders.
3. Finish taxes.
4. Figure out an inventory system that is more tax friendly (* I think I have an idea, to be shared soon).
5. Fix my friend's broken earring without melting it to pieces.
6. Finish a meanie ring for another friend's Christmas present (yeah, this is pretty bad, huh?).
7. Finish my Riverbed cuff from Kate's book (need to wire wrap lots of components).
8. Plant my potato tower.
9. Address the green moss invading the surfaces in our outdoor living areas, and the wood that has succumbed to dry rot.
10. Finalize summer travel plans.
11. Get cucumber and bean seeds in the ground.
12. Rework several pieces I'm not happy with.
13. Get more work photographed and listed in my Etsy shop.
14. Make ear wires.
15. More torch time to complete several experiments I have in mind.
16. Finalize show plans for later this year.
17. Think of something wonderful to do for my grandmother's 100th birthday celebration this summer.
18. Make more clasps (PMC).
19. My next tutorial.
20. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or twelve things, but you get the picture.
So, what's keeping you awake at night?