First, a pretty necklace made by Gwen of Silver Soul. She had this necklace available for an auction at her workplace and I'd say that a bid of around $100 is the sign of a successful design, wouldn't you?!

So I've been thinking about doing up a few more tutorials. Anyone interested in a blog freebie tutorial for the Autumn Maple earrings above? Maybe it's because submitting projects to magazines means you need to be at least a season ahead, if not two or maybe it's because the weather here has been super sunny but with a cool breeze that makes me feel like it's fall. Thank goodness it isn't though! I'm so ready for summer! (again, sorry to those of you in the snow, I realize that someone in Southern California probably just shouldn't comment on the weather at all!)

Last but not least, a sneak preview of a project that I plan on getting a tutorial for up on Etsy- hopefully tomorrow if all goes well! As always, I'd love feedback on it, I hope it is as popular as my wire wrap ring tutorials have been.
Coming tomorrow, a picture of the knockout pendant I received from Gaea as a part of a blog giveaway she held...