Apparently when people take trips it is expected that one would actually take photos of the destination rather than endless photos of their dog enjoying the hotel room. Sorry to shatter your expectations, I'm going to share photos of my dog enjoying the pampered life of luxury that is usually afforded only to purse size ankle snapping debutante owned dogs. (no offense to the owners of any size challenged "mini" canines)

As you can see, she didn't have any type of issue making herself comfortable in the new surroundings! Here she's pretending to sleep but really I know she was listening to us discuss how cute she is when she's "asleep". The room was perfect with a big grassy area off the patio that all the dog friendly rooms opened up to.

Let me just say that the
Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa (hello... spa? did someone say spa?) is just a lovely property (did I mention the wonderfulness of dog friendly rooms?) and it happens to be super close to the most awesome restaurant,
Pizza Picasso (which I did not actually get to eat at on this trip...which made me a little grumpy...which I recovered from because we ate at the
Wildflower Bread Company instead).
Tell me why I always forget to take a picture of my yummy food when I'm sitting on a beautiful outdoor patio and it's all colorful and great? My little camera was in my purse for Pete's sake!! The salad at Wildflower has lavender on it- it's the coolest thing, kind of a fragrant little yummy extra note that just makes it special (as long as there's not too much, if they're heavy handed with it you kind of feel like you're eating potpourri!). I had a roasted sweet potato sandwich that has marinated fennel and a fig spread with some greens and fresh mozzarella- YUM :)

Since I failed to take any red rock photos this trip (none, zip, nada), but that's partially because we usually take tons and it really was kind of rainy and overcast most of our visit, I will still leave you with a photo from a past visit that you can pretend was from this one! I love the ocotillo plants when they get all green and bloom with little red flames at the tip of the branches! If I would have taken pictures you would be looking at lots of them right now, all in bloom...ok, use your imaginations!