Crafty Goals Accomplished:
~ Finish my first cross-stitch bookmark for kstreasures - Everything's done but the backing, and I'm waiting on creating a third bookmark before I cut up the canvas.
~ Finish my ladybug bookmark - Everything's done but the backing, and I'm waiting on creating a third bookmark before I cut up the canvas.
~ Create Mel's bracelet - This is a surprise for my best friend, who fortunately does not read my blog! Custom orders welcome. - $25.00
~ Start my "aholic" line of keychains for kstreasures: Available in any phrase you want! Etsyholic currently available in the shop I share with my Mom.
~ Custom bracelet for Hippy Chick - This was a custom order - let me know if your interested in one of your very own! $25.00
~ Use Snake Trail Design in a new bracelet for shop - This one is 99% done, I just have to figure out what I want to use for the clasp.
~ American Dreamer Necklace - Done, but not yet listed.
~ Rain-themed creation - Done, but not yet listed.
~ Create the pattern for my first Firefly bookmark - Done, I just need to put the back on it!
I actually have made a LOT more than what made it onto my crafty goals list - but I'm way behind on taking photos and listing. I think that may turn out for the good though. Why? You'll find out soon :) More on goals and stuf tomorrow!