Ok, seriously? I only need the Insane button right now... This week is turning out totally crazy! I promised myself I re-price my woven items this week (getting close to being able to do that), I found out Friday that I have a second shop I'm going to be selling consignment in and told her I'd have the stuff in this week, and then yesterday I found out that I'm doing my first craft fair of the season on Saturday!
Can you say running around like a chicken with my head cut off?
Today was spent running and getting display supplies. I knew I needed to buy some tables and dsiplay things, but I thought I had a few more weeks! Plus I had some "real life" errands to run. My brother went with me since hubby had our car, and the two of us drove around for 5 hours! I kid you not! We literally made 15 different stops. Yes, it was sheer insanity.
Tonight I have one more trip to make (unbelievable no?) and my evil twin is coming over to go with me. I need some more feltboard and fabric for displays, so we're going to go pick that up, and then I'll put her to work assembling while I work on pricing or one of the other million things I need to do before the week is done.
Don't worry, I'll get you more info about my consignment deal when it's set up! Then I'll have pictures :)
Oh! I also got some awesome eye-candy in the mail yesterday and I'm going to try and take photos and show off tomorrow :) I'll be taking photos of other things anyway so it should work... *crosses fingers*