Today I want to talk about inspiration. Where do I find it? Where do you find it? What do you do when the well runs dry and you have NO IDEAS???
There is a lot that can be said about inspiration. In fact, I'm going to be spending the next couple of weeks of tips devoted to the topic. Well, more specifically challenges to you as an artist that might help you when need to find inspiration.
So where we find inspiration? Here's just a few ideas I had when I was thinking over the topic (in no particular order):
1. Books
2. Music
3. Art
4. Artists
5. Conversations
6. Nature
7. More Nature :P
8. Old Pieces we've created.
9. Children
10. Museums
11. Malls
13. Materials
14. Blogs
15. Dreams
I'm sure the list could go on and on! In fact - I'd like to hear you stories! Where do you find inspiration? Tell me something that's not on the list! I know I find ideas in the weirdest places sometimes. Like one time I was in class and I couldn't focus because the pattern on these girls shoes was calling out to be made into a bracelet...
The item I featured at the top of the post is a great example of finding inspiration. Amy, of Mama's Little Monkey's, started making sock monkeys for her shop a little while ago. Somewhere along the line (no idea where, but she just rocks, so that's that) she thought it would be fun to pattern some of them after her friends! The one at the top is the musician Chris Huff, who has some GREAT music :) Isn't that a cool idea?
And yes, I know, there aren't really any great "tips" you can pull out of this post, but I do hope it gets you thinking, and it gets the ground work laid for what I have planned in the next few weeks :)