Ok, I'll stop screaming at you. But I AM really excited! Why? Because, this being the first day of June, I get to announce my contest winners! Woohoo! What contest is that you ask? Why who left the most comments on my blog this month! And don't worry if you didn't win, this is going to be a perpetual contest - so there's always this month, and the next, and the next!
1st Place:
Edi - 35
2nd Place:
Sharla - 32 comments
3rd Place:
Theresa - 21 comments
Have I mentioned yet that these ladies rock my world? Before I tell you a little bit more about our winners let me tell you what they won :) 1st place - $15 off my shops, 2nd place - $5 off my shops, 3rd place - a write up on this blog! Now for you to meet our wonderful winners :)

Edi is one of my fellow Etsy Bloggers, and I hadn't really gotten to know her very well before this last month. I knew she was cool, but that's about it! Through our comment exchanges this last month or so I feel like I've really made a friend, and I really look forward to her feedback on my newest projects!

THERESA is another dear friend :) She is the artist behind TiLT Creations, and she's having a huge sale right now! So make sure you check her out :)

SHARLA is the artist behind Beaded
Tail. She shares the shop with her Mom, so some of the work is her Mom's, which I think is just a ton of fun! She is, as you can see from the picture, a fellow jewelry artist, and I always have fun seeing her new creations!
Sharla loves animals - and part of the fun of reading her blog is that you get to follow along on the adventures of her furbabies! Trust me, these babies are CuTE, and you'll have a lot of fun getting to know them!
Sharla is a fellow North Westerner and we actually only live about 2 hours apart! One of these days, if I can get just a wee bit stronger, we plan to actually meet up. I look forward to that day as Sharla has been a very dear and supportive friend to me here on-line!

Theresa and I have had a lot of fun bonding over many different interests. Blogging, crafting in general, Firefly, vampires, geekery in general... Oh yes, we have way too much fun :P
She runs several blogs - because she's crazy like me!
Now for some geeky fun on my part....
When I first announced the contest on the 13th these were my currents stats:
~ Top Commentator: 9 comments
~ 70 Comments total
~ 35 Different Commentators
I was BLOWN away when I added up the entire month's stats today! Here they are:
~ Top Commentator: 35 comments
~ 277 Comments total
~ 71 Different Commentators
Can I just say you guys ROCK??? I've had a lot of fun tracking this, and getting to know all of you guys better! I know I don't always get a chance to respond to each and every comment, but I try to at least do a blog swing by for all of them, and your comments keep me going both as a blogger and as an artist. Thank you!
Sweeting the pot: I had so much fun with this that next month's prizes are even better! All winners will receive a write up on this blog like I did this month. BUT the prize monies have gone up!
June Winners will Receive:
1st Place - $20 Gift Certificate
2nd Place - $10 Gift Certificate
3rd Place - $5 Gift Certificate
Also remember, any posts that are spotlights of my most recent listings are worth TWO comments if you tell me your favorite piece out of that collection and why :)
Talk to you soon!
~ Ruthie ~