Weekly Special!!!

This simple yet elegant bracelet is made from rainbow fluorite beads. Each bead has a slightly different coloration to it making this a dynamic bracelet that your friends will all love! Each link is lovingly handcrafted from gold colored wire to best accent the colors in the rainbow fluorite.
We're almost to the end of the month which means this month's Top Commentator Contest is almost over! Let me just say there are some people in the lead - but that doesn't mean it's too late for you! All comments count - even on old posts! So if you have some time to read feel free to go back and read through my blog :) I just ask that you give me real comments and don't spam my inbox with a bunch of "cool!" and that's it. Here's what you stand to win:This bracelet is approximately 7 3/4 inches long. I can easily shorten this bracelet but I can not lengthen it with out adding different beads into the pattern because these are the only beads I have like this!
Gem Stone Lore:
Fluorite: The name for this beautiful stone comes from the Latin word "fleure" which means "to flux." It's thought that fluorite helps bring calm, a sense of connection to the universe, and symbolizes fresh beginnings just like a beautiful rainbow after a storm.
This week it's only $8 plus $2 shipping and handling to anywhere in the world!
Exciting News!
As you probably remember, I had to give up my radio show awhile ago because I've been too ill to meet the commitment. Well, a couple of weeks ago Rod contacted me and asked me if I wanted to write the weekly artist feature for the station! I was so excited! Basically it's going to mean that each artist who gets featured here on my Friday's Featured Artist will also get the expsure of being the featured artist on Block Head Radio! We're about a week off, but that's ok, nothing like spreading out the love! Go check out www.blockheadradiolive.com to see the first one!
Top Commentator Contest
Top 3 Commentators - Write up on this blog :)
1st Place - $20 Gift Certificate to my Shops
2nd Place - $10 Gift Certificate to my Shops
3rd Place - $5 Gift Certificate to my Shops
Check these Out!
Once again it's time to share my most recent relistings or new listings! Tell me which of these is YOUR favorite and earn an extra entry into the Top Commentator contest!