1. What type of art work do you do?
I consider myself to be a fiber artist. I started out with simple cotton and acrylics in classic crochet, but have included a lot more natural fibers and techniques over the past year or two. I like designing knit and crochet shawls, hats, and purses as well as Nuno felted scarves and accessories.
2. How did you get started doing art work?
I taught myself how to crochet and started making dishcloths and potholders for gifts. The family can only wear so many hats, so I started making lots of different things.
3. What's Nuno felting?

It's a wet-felting technique. http://lazytcrochet.blogspot.com/2008/11/fun-with-felting.html
I'll probably be blogging about it again soon. This new cuff is wet felted also... (See the picture to the right)
3. Do you do any other crafts?
I do some sewing and often combine yarn and
fabric for projects. I am not very artistic when it comes to drawing, painting, or beading/jewelry work. I do like to add a holiday craft project to brighten up my holday show table each year. Sometimes natural things like potpourri or garlands.
4. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?
This art shawl is my favorite item in my shop right now. (See the shawl on the left below)
It was fun using the rings to design the edging. My favorite piece that I'm working on right now is a raw felted handbag, felt with wool batts and decorated with glitzy and colorful fibers.

5. Where do you sell your work?
I've had a shop on Etsy for over two years and sell at local shows and events. LazyTcrochet.Etsy.com
6. Do you blog?
Yes, I blog about yarns, patterns, fashions, recipes and more at LazyTcrochet.Blogspot.com
7. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
I have a Facebook page at

8. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
I sometimes listen to audio books, but haven't in awhile. I do like to catch up on a soap or two.
9. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
Hmmm...random random. I don't like taragon. It can totally ruin a dinner out if I order wrong!