So much going on it's hard to even know where to start! The first is that I'm participating in the YART sale on Etsy! What's that? Well, apparently if you marry the words "yard sale" and "art sale" to each other, you get YART sale. Don't ask - it wasn't my idea - I'm just participating! So what IS the sale?
I'm doing FREE shipping WORLDWIDE!!! PLUS if you purchase $25 or more - you'll get a FREE GIFT! Now how cool is that? If you've been looking to shop in my store - now is the time!
www.roseworksjewelry.etsy.com Sale runs through the 14th.

Next - the June Challenge for the Etsy Bead Weavers is up! Go visit the
blog and vote! I'm exctra-super excited about it this month because it's my first time entering! I'm entry number 5. Don't feel obligated to vote for me, but PLEASE do go check out the entries and vote for one of the team!

Lastly, I received a blog award! Thanks go to Teresa of
Elegance by Mode for giving me the award. I have to admit that I'm a spoil sport and I'm not going to pass it on to the 15 people required... I tend to be lazy when it comes to these things :P
Oh! And I had my 70th sale in my etsy shop today! *dances*