I recently received the latest issue of Stringing with a beautiful feature of my porcelain bead caps in their "Beads to Buy" section. There are lots of lovely things to check out in the issue so check it out at the bookstore if you don't have a subscription!

In website news...the bracelet bars that I feverishly listed last week have been flying out of the studio. Of course if I missed a pattern or glaze color that you had in mind (or you snoozed and it's already been snatched up) I'm always happy to make one specifically for you in my next firing.

What do you think of my new packaging detail? You may recognize the pattern as my Bali pendant design...I like how the image is raised and glossy...

Last but not least I promised that I would unveil my latest venture... Well, everything isn't up and complete like I wanted it to be for a true "unveiling" but I figured for those of you who have bothered to read to the end of the post, I'll give you a sneak peek! (yes, there are a couple of little glitches and the need for more content but it's mostly there and it is functional already) I've started a site with the intention of having a comprehensive listing of bead shows as well as the opportunity to book hotel and airfare right there. Cool right? I would love feedback on the site, the concept, the glitches (although I think I'm aware of most of those and they're in the fix it up queue!)... Anyhoo, the website is
www.BeadShowTravel.com Bring on your constructive comments!