A Hard Day's Night

Danny has officially been moved to night crew. And you know what? I kinda love it. I honestly thought I would hate it, but seriously..it's working out perfect.

I find that I have a lot more energy during the day. With Danny working day crew, me and Miley would be up at the ass-crack-of-dawn, do absolutely nothing until the sun came up, go for our walks, clean, and try to keep Miley out of trouble. Then Danny would get home, we'd eat, and be lazy. Seriously, Monday - Thursday we were doing a whole lot of nuttin!

Now, Miley sleeps in (she loves cuddling with Danny in the morning), I wake up, catch up on my blogs, Danny gets up, we actually do stuff, I make his dinner and send him off (and I'm not talking sandwiches...he had prime rib his first night on nights!), me and Miley walk much later in the day, and now Miley is my dinner companion. I go to bed at a non-grandma hour now, and Danny gets home LATE. But when he gets home Miley plays for another half hour, which exhausts her even more.

I think we'll start saving even more money. Danny won't have the temptation to buy lunch...or even have the option to buy dinner. I have our menu planned for the next month...and I refuse to stop cooking just because his schedule changed! Does anyone have any good recipes for meals that are easy to pack? I don't think my Cheyenne Burger will travel well!

Seriously, whats not to love about this?

Ah, yes...more love vs. hate stuff. I had wine tasting planned for Thursday night. Not gonna happen now. My trip home in Boston was perfectly planned, but now I need to find something to do with Miley at night. Not to mention I have no idea what days/nights he gets off for holidays now. Like, for Veterans Day..does he have Wednesday night off or Thursday night? And how the heck does duty work now?!

Another hate? Now my schedule is the exact opposite of my friends. Danny leaves just as everyone's husbands are coming home for the night. That will most definitely take some time to get used to!

Does anyone in Jacksonville want to take a cooking class next Monday night? Or maybe even wine tasting this Thursday?