A Case of the Sniffles

I blame my husband.

Danny loves to sleep with the AC on full blast. But at home, I don't let it happen (electricity = money) We stayed at two hotels in the past week...that means, freezing cold temperatures at night!

Sunday morning I woke up with a sore throat. No big deal, I thought it would go away. Monday I felt okay, just a little tired. We had a busy week so I thought I would just need a day to recover. Yesterday was horrible, sneezing non-stop, sniffles and runny nose, and the stuffiest head ever.

But it always gets worse before it gets better, right?

Wrong. Because today I feel WORSE! I'm not sick, it's a cold...I'm not going to the doctors for a cold. I have to wait this out. I've been drinking lots of liquids (note: NOT COFFEE!) and when I'm sick...all I want to do is eat. I'm craving pasta right now. Aaaand I just realized it's not even 9:30!

I need more sleep. We went to bed before 9, but Miley had  me up at 6:30. My problem is, I can't nap! Once I'm up...I'm up. No matter how hard I try.

I take my second dose of meds in an hour...I need to feel better before tomorrow!!

I'm off to go make my pasta, crawl under the covers and watch Kate Hudson movies all day. Don't judge.