Another great chance to win prizes....

If you head over to rare bird finds you can enter your favorite independant designers in various categories and in return have a chance to win all sorts of fun prizes! Be sure to choose as the best funky jewelry site!

Don't forget the HHG is still in full swing and all entrants at Chinook Jewelry are eligible for 10% off purchases from the online shop through the contest period!
Entries are now being accepted for the Happily Handmade Giveaway! You have the opportunity to enter once at each official sponsor's website. Be sure to stop by to get your entry in! As a special bonus, all those who enter at Chinook Jewelry Designs are eligible to win an additional special goodie package (necklace and earrings set). I'll have a picture up in a few days on the blog so you can see the prize. Finally, each entrant qualifies for a 10% discount on website purchases for the contest period (offer details are emailed following your entry).

Last but not least, there are a few new items up on the site: a necklace, some bracelets, and a pair of earrings. I've been so busy working on new techniques that I've certainly lagged behind posting new items, which has resulted in more items in the sold gallery than available! Many more items are on their way in the coming weeks, including a beautiful necklace featuring ceramic Kazuri beads from Keyna with one of my ceramic dragonfly pendants.