coming shortly

That's right, I've just started working on my very first website. Selling through Dawanda, and through my blog is great, but after reading a bunch of books on online marketing (see my previous post, for example), and talking with several knowledgeable people on the subject, we all agreed that I do need a real website, with a real shopping cart where I can not only display, but also focus more seriously on selling my jewelry, as they all say, it's worth selling.
But boy what did I get into?? I've decided to use osCommerce, a free open source shopping cart software, and I've signed up with HostGator as my website host. The last two days all I've done is learn about domain DNS, how to transfer it to Hostgator, how to work with a website host, how to set up a mySQL database, then installed osCommerce and started configuring it. And that is two day's work (two evenings really as I can only do this from home, after work). I'll be happy if I can get the website up and running, at least the basics of it, by Christmas. But at least, it's a start.

I'm also in the middle of redesigning my logo, so if you go to my new jewelry site (there's just a static page for the moment), during various times of the day and night, you'll most probably see it changing until I like what I have :)

In the meantime, I'll keep you posted. I might have to slow down just a bit on jewelry, to focus on setting up the site, as I do not have the money to pay for a website developer, so I'm learning as I go along, html, php, how to configure the shopping cart, etc, but luckily I have plenty of jewellery stock at the moment to keep all my trusted friends and customers busy browsing through :)

Visual Merchandising

Due to my lack of sleep, I look really poopy today........
and because of that it took meeh almost an hour to dress a sitting mannequin.
Gosh, I'm so exhausted.

Image Hosting by

Image Hosting by

Jacket-Fixed up Vintage, Dress- Forever 21, Shoes- BeBe

I gotta go to school and do some make up work.
I shall post more later when I get back.
Have a Happy Halloween and a sexy weekend everyone <3

My First

Image Hosting by

Image Hosting by

Image Hosting by

Top from ROSS (only $13!!), skirt from H&M(also around $13), Steve Madden Shoes

Today was a rainy day and we didn't have much natural light which makes my pictures to be a little dark.
I promise to take better pictures next time.

I am currently obssessed with this British singer named ADELE.
She is absolutely amazing. It's so great to see good singers like this.
This is exactly what we needed

Love, Aimee


Over the last few weeks I've been doing lots of research into promotion techniques and other things that take up a LOT of time on-line.  Most recently, obviously, I've been working on my time management series.  It's made me realize a few things.

1. I'm good at being organized - but I've gotten out of the habit.
2. I've been thinking for a long time that I want to get more woven items in my shop - but I haven't spent much time at it lately!

The result? I'm working hard on getting on top of my personal time management skills - which I'll talk about more in my next post on the subject :P I'm also setting a goal to create and post one woven item a week. It can be in any of the styles that I know, earrings, necklace, or bracelet, but one a week! That really should be doable if I make sure to spend sometime weaving every day :) This weeks woven piece? A little something in pink and brown...I've named her Amelia. Go to the listing to read more of her story!

I'm also feeling the love this week! My friend at TiLT Creations has me as the featured seller on her treasury blog! Make sure you go and check it out :) I was also given the Uber Amazing Blog Award by Kat at Candles and Crafts and the Butterfly award by Kay at Kay's K9's! Thanks you guys, I feel very honored :)

Now technically, I'm supposed to pass these on, but I've participated in away to many of these recently so I'm not going to this time, but I do appreciate receiving them!

Time Managment - One Approach

Chocolates Daily Planner by edesse designs

If you've read any of my blogs on promotion techniques then you know that there are a LOT of things that you could be doing, right now, to promote your on-line business. Actually, you don't have to have read any of my blogs, your probably well aware with out them! Each of these promotions techniques has positives and negatives associated with them, but the one thing they all have in common is that they take TIME.  Time is precious. We only have so many hours in the day and in this internet world it's real easy to look up at the clock and realize an entire afternoon (or night!) has gone by with out realizing it!  So what's a business-savvy artist to do? Or maybe more importantly, what's an ARTIST to do? We're not always known for being the most business-minded people, after all, we're right brain thinkers! We're known for our intuitive leaps, impulsiveness, and above all, creativity. Unfortunately the reality of trying to make money off your art is that, well, sometimes we have to anchor our right brain thinking a little and venture into the world of the left brain people. I hope the following ideas help you to do that :)

The credit for this idea goes entirely to my friend Jenny of GoGoKioko :) About a week and a half ago I started a thread in the etsy forums discussing different promotion techniques. I had done my first blog post on the topic and wanted more input! So the research began.

Jenny was one of the very first people to reply and she shared with us that she has an actual promotions schedule! I LOVE the idea :) Here's what Jenny's looks like:

"I am working on not promoting willy nilly. I have a promotion schedule-
Monday- Flickr, blog, entrecard
Tues- Indypublic, Deviantart, Project Wonderful
Wed- Blog, research new promoting opportunities, entrecard
Thurs-Deviantart, Project Wonderful, update Craigslist
Fri- Blog, Flickr, entrecard, research new

I also Twitter and post on the forums (though I don't really consider either promoting, just enjoyable!)"

I'm working on figuring out my promotions schedule. I'm thinking that it's going to take awhile for me to really get it cemented, but I'm going to work on it! As I continue to update in my promotions series I'll occasionally revisit this topic and let you guys know how my schedule is developing :) Right now my schedule looks like this:

Daily activities: Responding to e-mail and messages, keeping up with my various team forum threads, Entrecard drops, post to my treasury blog, post in this blog, create, and list when I have new items! I also respond to any thing quick on project wonderful, I don't really do daily management, but if I have an ad pending I pop over quick enough to respond to it.  I also twitter through out the day, but that's kind of for fun and I only keep up with the tweets when I have time.  More info on these daily activities will be forth coming in my promotion series :)

Non-Daily Activities:
Monday: Manage Project Wonderful ads.
Friday: Post artist interview in this blog, e-mail next weeks interviewee, set up article to also post to Skwiggazine. Read Skwiggazine :P Run promo thread for teambdc.
Saturday: Update Flickr. Talk in the Etsy Forums.
Sunday: Talk in the Etsy Forums.

Right now my activities are weekend heavy because the week itself is pretty full with the rest of life. Plus I'm adding activities in as I have a chance to research them :P I tend take the time talk in the forums mostly on the weekends because that's when there seems to be the most activity and when I seem to find the threads that are the most interesting :P Technically I'm always in them with the team threads though...

Ok, so by now you may be thinking "that's fantastic for you and Jenny, but what about me?" Good question! Remember how I said yesterday that each person is different? That concept is highly applicable here! I know Jenny manages her business around being the Mom of two wonderful, active, boys. I don't have kids to worry about, and I don't have an out of the home job like many people either. What works for her, or for me, may not work for you with your full time job, or fussy little baby. Here's some ideas to get you started on tweaking your OWN daily schedule :)

1. Write down a list of everything that you currently do to promote your shop. Having troubles thinking of what your doing? Check out this post for a list of ideas :)

2. Break up your list. Separate it into items that you think are important to do daily and items that you can do maybe only a few times a week.  Carefully evaluate each item on your list as you do so.  Some of them you may be able kind of split up. A good example of that would be how I manage my project wonderful advertising. I'll go to the site to respond to any e-mail notifications of ads pending on a daily basis, but I only actually go fiddle with my ads and campaigns once a week. 

3. Don't forget the rest of your life! Your not just an artist and etsy shop , your a mom/wife/daughter/husband/son/employee/whatever! Make a list of the REST of the things in your life that you need to get done.  Both daily and things that are done weekly.

4. Compare your promotions list and your "life" list.

5. Meld the two. Don't forget to leave time to actual create and time to relax and have fun!

6. Keep the list somewhere that works for you. One idea would be to post the daily items next to your computer or work area so your daily reminded of them, and then put the "day dependent" items down in your planner.

Whew - anyone else tired? Me too! Don't worry - only one more step to go!

7. Above all, be flexible! Go back and re-evaluate your plan periodically. What's working for you? What's NOT working for you? Add things, cross things out, don't be afraid to try a new plan!

Oh yes - and I mention planners? Planners are a great thing to keep but they don't work for everyone! I use my planner for keeping track of dates and dead-lines and then use to-do lists to break down each day a little farther. Speaking of which - tomorrow's topic is on to-do lists! You didn't think I was going to go off on that tangent today did you? I could, but I think I've probably given you more than enough to think about for one day ;)

Online Marketing - Free book

I've been researching for ways to enhance my blog and generally learn about websites and online marketing. These are useful tools to have, if one is to focus on e-commerce, by selling jewelry, for example, like I do. Just making that gorgeous piece of jewelry and hoping for it to sale on the net is not enough. I've realised that I have to educate myself, and boy I've got tons to learn. Also tons of resources, some free, many for a fee. Of course, no such thing as a free lunch now is there, - or there is?
Well, it is seems that there are some great free resources around if you're like me, and want to learn the ins and outs of e-commerce, online marketing and promoting your product.
One of those I came across just recently is a wonderful free ebook called The Ultimate Supertip on Online Marketing. It talks about stuff like:

- Getting traffic to your site
- Preselling with free ebooks
- Preselling with articles
- Autoresponders and follow up campaigns
- Ad tracking
- Affiliate marketing
- ClickBank
- Viral marketing
- PDF book creation
- Ebook rebranding
- Creating niche sites
- Resale rights
and some others.
I was really interested in Getting traffic to your site, PDF book creation and Creating niche sites, great info which I didn't know.
Btw, if you click on the link, don't be put off by the flashy 'I'm all here to sell' font type on his site. He has really lots of good info there, and well, it's free. I was particularly pleased by the fact that when I downloaded the book, I was not asked for my email address. Less chance for spamming, which is an additional plus in my books.

As I come across more goodies, and more freebies for us online sellers of our own products, I'll post a review here.

Thank you Dream Mist Crafts!

I'm quickly falling in love with Twitter - why? Because it's like having my finger on the pulse of what's going on! More on that later...

Because of Twitter I learned that Dorothy, the artist behind Dream Mist Crafts, was looking for different artists to feature on her blog. I sent her an e-mail, and woke up this morning to find myself featured on her blog! Go give the post some loving if you have the time :)

And go check out Dorothy's shop! Here's my favorite item from her shop :)

Time Management - A First Quick Look

As I've been talking to people about different promoting techniques for their shop, the one thing I hear over and over again in one form or another is, "how on earth am I supposed to balance all this promoting to get my name out there and still find time to create?" I think that's great question and one that should be addressed before I spend any more time talking about how to promote your shop! We all have busy schedules, for one reason or another, and learning to manage our time well will do a lot to lower our stress loads and increase our productivity!

I have so many things I want to talk about that this is going to be a little series in and of it's own. Look at is a foundation piece for the series on promotion that I've been starting. Also, as I get farther into that series I'll end up revisiting this topic a time or two to let you know how my ideas are developing!

A few things that I think are really important to say right off the bat are these:

1. Every person is different. I'm going to try to include a lot of different ideas and quotes in here because what works fantastic for one person might not work so well for another because of personalities, life situations, or even the craft it's related too!

2. Prioritize. No matter what system you end up using to manage your time, it's really important to make sure you know what's most important and what you can let slide.

3. Forgive yourself and be flexible. You know, sometimes things happen and you just can't stick to your original plan. That's ok! If your prioritizing well then hopefully you won't find your self in to much of a bind. Be ready to adjust your day's schedule, and your week's, for those unexpected events that come up in your life.

4. Don't forget time for fun. This is important in any well-adjusted persons life, but I think in some ways it's even more so in an artists life! Why? Because your work will often be directly affected by your emotional state and your stress level. Treat yourself right, give yourself some time for fun and relaxation, and your creativity will flourish as a result.

Coming up tomorrow: Time Management - One Approach

Have YOU commented on my forum thread yet? I would love your input! I'm gathering feedback about time management techniques. Who knows? You might even end up in one of these blog posts! Check it out at:

Morning World!

Sadly, I didn't blog yesterday, but I'm not going to apologize for it! Why? Well, I had a rather busy day yesterday and my plan was to come home from running errands and blog then. Instead, I came home and my hubby and I watched a movie, and Chuck, and cuddled all evening! We needed that snuggle time so I don't feel guilty for abandoning the etsy/blogging/internet world for awhile!

My treasury closes just before 10, my time, this morning, and I'm pretty much figuring that there won't be any more sales in it at this point - so here's my closing picture of it!

I didn't get much crafting done yesterday. I spent maybe an hour weaving on a pink and brown bracelet that I hope to have finished and listed in the next day or two depending on how the rest of life is going. I'm also hoping to finally have the time to write my blog on time management :P Go check out this thread that I've started on the topic and give me your two cents! Who knows, YOU might make it into my next blog post!

Last, but not least, here's my newest creation that I posted up Sunday night:

Difference between learning jewelry making and perfume making

I've been wire wrapping for close to two years now, and although I still feel I'm a newbie, I think I've learned quite a lot during this time. I can tackle some of the more advanced tutorials out there, without always making a mess out of things.
Very recently I've stumbled upon what proves to be another new hobby of mine, making perfumes using natural, essential oils.
I've purchased several oils from the UK so far, and started combining them to make perfumes. Which doesn't seem to be so easy as I first thought. Most of the concoctions smell horrible, at best as a bad medicine.
I've searched a lot the internet for recipes on the subject, but it's hardly anything out there. There are a couple of real life workshops that one should attend, at over $1000 a piece, and very few books on the subject, mostly touching the history of perfumery and the ingredients, but less the actual blends, mixes. So I broke down and purchased from Mandy Aftel the Level 1 Workbook, at a price of $375 (yep, you've read it right!) and shipping to Europe $80 (right again!), as this seems pretty much the only feasible avenue for somebody to really learn perfumery without spending a large amount of essential oils on trial and error, by not knowing what is one really doing in the process.
As the shipping was so very expensive for this one book, I let it be sent to Mary, a dear friend of mine who always helps me out when I buy something with high shipping to Europe, and now I'm patiently waiting for the workbook to arrive.
And in the meantime I'm musing...
Most probably since the time I started with wire wrapping, I did spend about this amount or even more on books and tutorials, however the difference between this workbook and the tutorials for wire wrapping, is that I've bought MANY tutorials, on all aspects of wire wrapping and jewelry making. I've learned a lot of skills in the process. I have now a new level of appreciation for all the wire wrappers who so freely share their knowledge in allowing the rest of us to learn their secrets, and to make their jewelry pieces. Without all these tutorials, and book out there, it would have been much more challenging to learn wire wrapping, even to the level I am right now (which is not that far). It is a completely different world between the two. Perfumers guard their secrets as if with their lives, they won't share but the very basic of blends, which doesn't bring one very far, and wire wrappers, or jewelers in general are very generous, and share. Yes, for a price, but the prices are very reasonable, anything between $5 and $15 for learning how to make one pendant, a pair of earrings, a ring, any items from start up to completion. Plus there are also many free tutorials out there, which allow you to build on your existing knowledge and widen it too. Best example out there is Eni Oken, who has many tutorials for a veeeery reasonable price, but also many freebies to get you started.
I know I'll have a hard and bumping road ahead of me with perfumery with the lack of resources available, but I'll take the challenge anyway. Should be fun.

Colorful Shell Pearl Necklace

Colourful Shell Pearl Necklace

Take a closer look!

Colourful Shell Pearl Necklace

This is a beautiful necklace made of shell pearl. Suitable for both office or
casual wear.

Estimated Size: 17 inches with 1 inch of extension

Main Material: Shell Pearl

Price (RM): $25

Price (USD): $7.9

No: 67

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Tiger Eye Long Earrings with Matching Necklace

Tiger Eye Earrings

See Matching Necklace Here!

Beautiful, isn't it? Great color combination that brings out the livelihood of the earrings!

Size: 2.5 inches

Material: Tiger Eye

Price (RM): $9

Price (USD): $3

No: 69

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Tiger Eye Long Necklace with Matching earrings


Take a closer look:

Tiger Eye Long Necklace

See Matching Earring Here!

Beautiful, isn't it? Great color combination that brings out the livelihood of the necklace.

Size: Necklace: 31 inches

Material: Tiger Eye

Price (RM): $220

Price (USD): $70

No: 70

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Amethyst Necklace with Purple Jade Pendant

Amethyst Necklace with Purple Jade Pendant

Amethyst Necklace wiht Purple Jade Pendant

This is how it looks like on the model!

Amethyst Necklace wiht Purple Jade Pendant

Take a closer look:

Amethyst Necklace wiht Purple Jade Pendant

Very meaningful Jade Pendant

Amethyst Necklace wiht Purple Jade Pendant

Beautiful, isn't it? Great color combination that brings out the livelihood
of the necklace. For those who love jade, the jade pendant that comes with the
necklace is definitely for you.

Size: Necklace: 24 inches for Necklace, 2 inches for pendant

Material: Amethyst, Jade

Price (RM): $220

Price (USD): $70

No: 70

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Elegant Brown Tiger Eye Necklace or Chocker

Brown Tiger Eye Necklace


Back of the necklace. You may adjust the length of the necklace by choosing the right position:


Beautiful, isn't it? As you can see, this piece requires a lot of
detailed works and plenty of time to made. So the price is worth it.

Size: Necklace: 16 inches

Material: Tiger Eye

Price (RM): $120

Price (USD): $38

No: 74

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Adventurine Necklace Chocker

Green Aventurine Necklace


Back of the necklace. You may adjust the length of the necklace by choosing the right position:


Necklace in a gift box! It is perfect as a gift for your loved ones!


Beautiful, isn't it? As you can see, this piece requires a lot of detailed works and plenty of time to made. So the price is worth it.

Size: Necklace: 16 inches

Material: Aventurine

Price (RM): $120

Price (USD): $38

No: 73

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.


Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Elegant and Romantic Amethyst Dream Necklace

Elegant and Romantic Amethyst Dream Necklace


Close-up picture showing natural shining purple from amethyst stones:


Back of the necklace. You may adjust the length of the necklace by choosing the right hole:


Beautiful, isn't it? As you can see, this piece requires a lot of detailedworks and plenty of time to made. So the price is worth it.

Size: Necklace: 15.6 inches

Material: Amethyst

Category: Necklace

Price (RM): $120

Price (USD): $38

No: 72

If you prefer other stones or colors, please let me know, i can custom made for you.

Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

Elegant and Romantic Bridal Pearls Necklace



This is a great necklace or choker to be worn on our special day. Made with Fresh water pearls. Suitable for dinner or party functions as well.

Size: Necklace: 17 inches

Material: White Pearl

Category: Necklace

Price (RM): $380

Price (USD): $150

No: 71


Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Debit to Malaysia Maybank Account

Shipping is done thru registered mail service offered by Pos Malaysia:

Within Malaysia: RM6

To international destinations: USD12

We will not be held liable for any orders stopped by the Customs, or anyapplicable duty & taxes. All duty/ taxes should be paid by the buyer (If any).

Refund: All items purchased is entitled for a 7 days Money Back Guaranteed from the date you receive item. We will refund your payment (exclude shipping & handling fee of USD2 and
insurance cost
) if you have totally unsatisfied with the product due to mistake in our listing only. All item must be in good condition and has never been worn/use.

Post header

In Thanks :)

I like to feature other sellers in this blog, and I like to feature items that I've bought, well today it's time for a new type of feature! Today I feature one of MY buyers! Why? Well first of all, this gal is just plain awesome. :) Second of all, she deserves it! Third, I can blog about what I want to now can't I?

Her name is Annie and her shop is AnnieKints :) Yes, that's spelled funky, it was a typo when she first set up the shop and she's kept it and it certainly sets her apart! Annie is a fun and caring lady that I first met through the Eastern Washington Etsy Team that I was a part of before my recent move back to the West Side.  Last night she made her 4th set of purchases from me! Including custom orders! I've had a lot of fun working with her and it's been great to have a chance to great items specifically to please a certain customer. 

When she made her purchase last night Annie was buying into the BNR that I have running in the etsy treasury right now. This is an on-going BNR that I've been running whenever I can snag a treasury, but this has been the most successful round yet! Annie has certainly helped with that, not only did she buy from me, when she was bought from she turned right around and bought in again! Woohoo!  Here's what the BNR looked like at the beginning of this round:

7 sales later this is what it currently looks like!

Now what would a thanks to a buyer, who's also a seller on etsy, be if I didn't show case some of her work? Well it would just be silly that's what it would be! I'm featuring all pink items from her shop because now, through the end of October, all items from her October PINK sale will result in a 30% donation to the Susan G. Komen Fund! So go shop, raise support, and get some lovely items to keep you warm this winter :)

Wire Crocheted Bracelet with Gemstone Chips

Just learn about making this beautiful Wire Crocheted Bracelet with Gemstone Chips.
Spend a bit of time to figure out what crocheting was. However, not difficult to
make at all. Once master the basic skill, we are able to come up with many other
creations by mix and match the beads!

Wire Crocheted Bracelet with Gemstone Chips

Here are some of the tutorials you can follow if you are interested to learn
and make one for yourself:

Sister_Diane - Basic Skill
Sister_Diane - Advance Skill