Perlen Poesie issue 12

It's already being sent to subscribers. In issue 12:

• Floral jewelry made from rocailles, baroque beads or using soutache;

• Workshop: embroidery;

• Artist portrait and exclusive instruction by Sherry Serafini;

Perlen Poesie issue 11

Did you buy it? Not yet? Hurry up! In issue 11:

Perlen Poesie
Lady in RAW. Marcia DeCoster: The artist is a stylish woman, knits fine tunics and loves to bead her jewelry mostly in RAW technique. We met her in Bonn, Germany, where she held workshops for 3 days. She let us have some of her treasures, which we are able to show to our readers. You will also find an instruction for a fancy bracelet.

Your Designs Rock 2008

At the very end of April the winners of "Your Designs Rock!" 2008 Jewelry Design Contest were announced. I'm happy to tell you, that the second year in a row I won the First Place in Glass category (necklace "Mermaid's Garden").

Joined The Year Of Jewelry Project 2012 - New Beginnings

After watching from the sidelines for the last couple of years, I've decided to actually join in the fun at the Year of Jewelry Project 2011. My goal is to improve greatly my wire wrapping skills once I've finished the year. I just hope I can keep up with a project a week until then :)

The first week's theme is called New Beginnings, and I created this pendant with 2 new beginnings in mind. For one, I've actually used for the first time balled up wire for the pendant frame. Until now I only used it for silver headpins. if you want to learn how to create your headpins using a simple gas stove technique.

Also for the first time I actually designed this pendant from scratch. I did a few designs on paper, then I created something in brass wire, measured it, created it again for about 2 times, and when I was satisfied that it was a workable idea, I've created it in sterling silver. So this is definitely something new for me. It's fun to go through the creative process and come up with something other than simply following some tutorials and apply your own twist to them.

The pendant is using chrysoprase as the focal briolette gem, silver stardust and some tiny green crystals which I'm not quite sure what they are. The are translucent when hold against the light. The entire silver pendant length is about 2 inches, around 4.5 cm long including the bail.

My Sewing Desk - Work In Progress

I am so happy so far with the way my desk is turning out.  I still plan on adding layers of color and design, but here are some peeks on the progress so far. 

Primed and front panel painted.  I just sanded the surface enough to give it tooth and then primed it with gesso.  I am going with a prism color scheme here so all my paints and supplies will look nice with it.  I love color!!!!

painted furniture, mixed media furniture, art on furniture, painted sewing desk, craft room art furniture

Now a couple of pictures with the first layer finished.  

Some more detail and color added.

From this point I plan on adding a bit more detail with color, then doing an overpainting of black and white patterns.  I have no idea how this is going to turn out though.  I am having a great time just painting with no plan.  For now this guy is unfinished, but when i get the painting done I plan on adding a couple of layers of gloss to bring out the color.

Song of Style on instagram


Flower Antlers


These antlers with flowers are all photographed by Kari Herer. Funny thing is, despite being a strict pescetarian, I've been long collecting antlers and skulls ever since I was little (you can see a tiny glimpse of it in my SF apt) and I even have a huge love for taxidermy (those in SF, you must visit Paxton Gate!) 
I'm happy I found these beautiful photographs as I can try something like this on some of my antlers (I already tried it on my steer head.)

Btw, did you know while horns are kept for life, antlers fall off each year and regrow bigger? So don't fret when you see a pair of antlers!

Shop Revamp and Update - New Jewelry Listed

I have made a decision to turn my Etsy shop into a jewelry shop and list my art items on my blog.  I revamped my shop and have several items listed as of right now, and am currently working on more to list.  Here is a sample of what I am offering in my I Spy Jewelry shop.

I plan on adding a page to my blog next week to sell my art books and other crafty items, so keep and eye out for that.  

Until then, check out my shop and let me know what you think.  

Jewelry pieces sold recently

While I haven't been doing jewelry recently, I have been selling from my existing stock. I will start again making when my stock is a bit lower. Last 3 years I've been working like crazy without stopping and now I could open a real shop with what jewelry I have around :)
So here is what I've sold during the last couple of months or so. Enjoy.

Hematite silver cross

Moebius silver earrings

White onyx herringbone bracelet

Turquoise nuggets silver earrings

Jellow jade silver necklace

Greek mocca earrings

Victorian Heart Necklace

Purple Tulip Necklace

Tiger Eye Earrings

Well I lied in my previous post and I made this pair of tiger eye earrings yesterday. Very basic pair, little wrapping, just to get me started again since I haven't wrapped in almost a year at all!. I might not do as much as I used to before right off the bat, but I want to get back in the swing of wire wrapping things, as this is my main passion. Internet marketing is my business. There is no reason I can't do both :)

I bought the tiger eye stones at Etsy about two years ago and just now I got a chance to use them. They are absolutely gorgeous and flawless and they have a nice size at 18x13 mm.

Taylor Tomasi

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Okay, I went a little overboard on this post but I couldn't find one picture of Taylor that I didn't like. Her husband is so lucky to wake up next to her and see her get ready. It must be so fun and interesting to watch.... btw, I meant that in a non creepy way.

Images via, Jak & Jill, Carolines Mode, Facehunter, Streetfsn, etc.