Featured Beading Teacher - Pearl From The Beading Gem's Journal

In expanding my search of things worth featuring in Handmade Jewelry Club, I have decided to extend the 'Featured Column' to also include Beading or Jewelry making teachers and instructors. Great teachers produce great artists, especially those who encourage creativity! For the very first issue, I have invited Pearl of The Beading Gem's Journal for an interview. She was very kind to have accepted my invitation. Read below for the interview:

How did you get started as a beading teacher?

I first started beading as a hobby. I also like to teach although that is not my profession. It seemed like a good idea to combine the two once the bead addiction took hold! I am convinced there is no cure, no 12-step program to get rid of this affliction. So if you can't beat it, find a way to finance it!

I now teach beginners at local Design Your Own Jewelry workshops as well as at private beading parties in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I eventually roped in my very good friend Debbie as a fellow instructor at workshops. We thus get to see each other more often!

Share with us your experience as a teacher
I enjoy teaching beading and jewelry design - I wouldn't do it if I didn't. The biggest reward is watching faces light up when beginner beaders realise they have succeeded in making something lovely to wear. Many have either never crafted anything before or considered themselves creative.There is a wonderful quotation I came across which exactly captures my experience as a teacher. Joseph Joubert, a French author (1755-1824) once wrote "To teach is to learn twice". Beginners sometimes surprise me with innovative color combinations and unusual designs I've not seen before or thought about. I have come to learn that inexperience is sometimes liberating when it comes to creativity.

Any student you are proud of?
Actually, I am proud of all of them. So much so my blog, The Beading Gem's Journal was launched initially to showcase their designs. They are so pleased and proud to see their creations online. My blog has grown to encompass much more than that. I now include feature designers who inspire and whose unusual work shows there really is no limit to creative jewelry design. I consider myself still a student as I am constantly learning more about the craft, jewelry and the materials we use. So the blog is also a chronicle of my journey as a jewelry artisan. I share all sorts of tutorials (some are original) and tips as well as information on anything jewelry related so those students and any readers can learn and be entertained at the same time.
What is your advice for those who aspire to be teachers?
Teaching is not for everyone. It takes patience and an ability to understand a student's perspective to succeed as a teacher. Dealing with student questions and problem solving on the spot are some of the challenges. However, if you can teach and love interacting with people, it is a lot of fun. In our internet age, you don't even have to face people to teach. Writing online tutorials is a really good way to find out if you are able to break down the tasks and explain the steps clearly for a newbie to follow.
Do you sell your creations?
Yes, I sell jewelry at workshops, beading parties, at craft fairs and more recently online. My beading "sisters" and I recently started our own website called The Bead Sisterhood. The emphasis is always on one of a kind. We have an unusually close working relationship considering we are actually each other's competitors. But we do make it work as we don't design the same things and we have found strength in numbers.

Swarovski pearl and copper wire bracelet 1



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EtsyBloggers Are HOT

Here's some awesome HOT summer items by my AWESOME Etsy Bloggers!

To the LOVE of My Life

Happy Birthday baby! <3

Designer Showcase

Doesn't that sound all vintage "Wheel of Fortune"? Actually I wanted to show off a little more of Maire Dodd's beautiful work but you could buy a vowel and head over to Etsy to pick it up! I love the oxidized copper with these glazes (and you'll be happy to know that you can throw my ceramic pieces into liver of sulpher without damage-just don't make it a hot solution)I spent much longer than anticipated today looking (more like dazed, wandering in circles) for things at Home Depot. Although I must say that I was greeted enthusiastically by no fewer than a dozen employees which is a first, usually I can't find a free employee for the life of me! I did come up with a few ideas in my many aisle travels today, it will be interesting to see if I actually do any of them!

Now I have cheesecake brownies to bake and enough glazing to fill tomorrow's kiln load!

Feature: TreasureBoxJewelry on Etsy

There is a lot of talent to be found on Etsy. Today we are seeing the talent of Aisha from Treasure Box Jewelry on Etsy. Aisha is a wife and mother of two children living in New Jersey. She has many interests including photography, scrap booking and painting in addition to her jewelry creations. Aisha has crafted for as long as she can remember and when Etsy came on the scene, she saw it as the perfect opportunity for her to work in with the responsibility of raising children. However, her children will always remain number one! Etsy allows her to stay home with them while giving her a creative outlet and earn some money. Eventually, she would love to be able to create clothing in addition to her jewelry. What a wonderful complimentary side line!

The Secret Garden Necklace


Aisha has definitely seen her craft evolve over time. She notices that her pieces are more complex and the look is more refined due to the fact that she has mastered some techniques. She also finds she is more willing to take risks in her creations. To help her evolve even further, she is studying the history of jewelry. She feels that so many areas have been added to her life. "Becoming a jewelry artist has opened a whole world for me, and that is a gift in itself", Aisha comments. During the creation process, she really doesn't make sketches or record ideas. She simply keeps them in her mind's eye and they just happen to evolve from there. It is not uncommon for her to have several pieces going at once and will often come up with a name for pieces before they are even completed. Quite ironic, this is exactly how I work! I always being with a set idea, but the piece just somehow seems to create itself and usually looks nothing like my original idea when it is completed. I love this as each piece has it's own life...own essence. Each piece controls itself. I would love to hear comments from others who work this way as there really doesn't seem to be many based on the volume of features I have done! Kudos to you, Aisha! While she is creating, Aisha usually listens to her iPod on shuffle to drown out background noise. She loves to listen to classical while creating.
Moonbeam Bracelet


When Aisha hits a roadblock, she will put everything away and take a break to pursue her other interests like gardening, reading or browsing on Etsy. She feels it is very important not to push yourself which she fears will make your love a chore. After taking a short break, she feels the creative flow return. Her favorite venue for selling her pieces is Etsy, but she is branching out to doing craft shows this year. She loves Etsy as it allows her to stay home with her children and give her pieces exposure at the same time. She finds that it is getting harder and harder to get your product out there with the market so saturated with jewelry, so she relies on creating quality pieces in addition to using social networks and word of mouth. She admits to not having paid for advertising yet and also relies on her blog to expose her wares.

Fairy Dust Earrings


She finds that it is getting harder and harder to get your product out there with the market so saturated with jewelry, so she relies on creating quality pieces in addition to using social networks and word of mouth. She admits to not having paid for advertising yet and also relies on her blog to expose her wares. Aisha states that her most memorable moment was putting it all together. What an accomplishment! She was so tickled to receive compliments and hearts!

Sweet Dahlia Ring


I asked Aisha to offer some advice to new business owners. This is what she had to say:

"To not lose heart. It is so easy to get lost in the shuffle, especially since there is so much talent. But you have to remember why you are creating in the first place. If it is just to make money, then maybe you are in the wrong place. I get deep satisfaction and contentment from making my jewelry...and that is without the sales. Just work hard and be patient and believe in what you do. If you believe in what you do then people will see that and they will see your passion and enthusiasm and they will be drawn to both you and your craft. So never lose sight of the true purpose of your craft!"

Contact Aisha:

Blog: http://treasuredlife786.blogspot.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/aishaTBJ

Glaze Name Winners

Wow, I can not believe how many wonderful suggestions you all came up with for my unnamed glazes! I am clearly going to have to do this more often! There were several names that I thought were just a perfect description of the shade but were a little on the long side for when I'm posting things on the website. I had to pass them by for the glaze name but I think they will definitely be showing up later as the name of a jewelry project using that glaze.So, without further ado... I introduce Whiskey and Twilight! Congratulations Sharon and Abbellisca. Courtesy of Random.org, Silver Parrot is the winner of the Wheat Window pendant for blogging about my contest. Please send me a note with your mailing addresses so I can get your rewards out to you!

I had the pleasure of opening my mailbox to discover the August issue of Bead Trends with my Peridot Jellyfish earrings featured! These earrings mix sterling silver chain, peridot, little tiny Bali beads, and my porcelain bead caps. There are so many beautiful projects in the issue, look for another great piece by Erin of Tresori Trovati as well.

Stay tuned, I have several new jewelry pieces using my ceramic pendants that will be debuting in the next week!

It's Moving Day!

That's right - I'm moving today! Finally! After a summer of apartment hunting, and then several weeks of packing when my health was good enough, the big day has finally arrived! Our apartment is covered in boxes, my hubby is catching one last nap on the futon (which is on the floor since the frame is disassembled), and I'm enjoying my last few minutes on-line before the insanity begins! Woohoo!

Only sad part about all this? My beads are packed up! *cries* Ok, so I can't complain too much, I have my lovely craft bag packed with a bead weaving project, my cross-stitch, and my crochet :D I'm going to have to be careful to pace myself, so I wanted to make sure I had something to do with my hands when I'm forced to rest.

Seriously though, I will have to be really careful. We're having record breaking heat here right now. I live in the northwest right? We're usually in the 80's this time of year. It's supposed to hit 107 today. So I have to be extra careful to stay hydrated because dehydration triggers my asthma really quickly! I also have high blood pressure issues - and heat is really bad for that!

We did the last of the packing with my Mom last night. We were all working pretty steady - and after the third box I packed I kinda collapsed and fell asleep on the futon. I was apparently all red and blotchy. Moses covered my forehead with a cool cloth and that helped.

So my plan for today is to suck as much water as I can, and sit as often as I can convince myself! I'm not going to be moving any boxes (not allowed to because of my back issues anyway). I'm going to stay at the new apartment with my MIL or Kat (or both) and slowly start unpacking while everyone else does the heavy work.

The internet is going to be connected some time tomorrow. All we know is that it'll be up by 5pm. And by then I may be falling asleep again :P We'll see. So I don't know when you'll see me on-line again. I miss you all already!

Bridesmaid Jewelry to Reflect Their Style

Bridesmaid jewelry is a personal gift you give your maids to thank them for being a part of your most special moment, your wedding day. Yes, it adds that extra splash of color and twinkle to their gowns, but it is a gift that can be given that they can wear again after the wedding if you choose something that reflects their style, while complimenting your wedding colors and attire.

Not all bridesmaids wear the same style of clothing, so when it comes to their jewelry selections, it doesn’t have to be matchy matchy, all the same. You can select a different piece of bridesmaid jewelry for each bridesmaid, within the same color pallet, allowing the jewelry look to be congruent but not exactly the same.

For brides these past few years, selecting a bridesmaid dress designer in a specific color tone, but allowing each bridesmaid to select their own style dress, is becoming a thing of the norm. Why not let your bridesmaids shine individually with their own style bridesmaid jewelry. It’s the perfect way to say thank you without pushing another decision and style on them that’s all about you and your wedding.

When you select a piece of jewelry that reflects the bridesmaid’s individual style they can wear that gift of jewelry again after the wedding day. If you want a similar look but want to spice up their gifts with a personal touch, select one piece that’s the same for all of the bridesmaids, but change out another piece. For instance, select the same style necklace in the same colors for all of your bridesmaids, but select a different bracelet or earring set for them. This allows your bridesmaids look to be the same, but different.

Adding a unique touch of personality and style that will make your bridesmaids feel special, will allow your investment of bridesmaid’s jewelry to go even further. Consider each bridesmaid’s style and individuality and shop away. It’s one of the more fun parts of the tiny details that make a big difference.


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Fog Off

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(Grandma's Cardigan, AA top, Zana Di Jeans)

SF is sooooo windy. Go away wind. Go Go!

Tuesday's Tips #10

Last week on Tuesday's Tips #9 I talked about some different places to find inspiration from other artists in your field. I got some great responses from you guys - so that's what I'm featuring this week! You!

Glorybe1024 said: Searching around Etsy is great inspiration. Often I will see a color combination or item that "speaks" to me. Usually, I will think that if I added this or changed that it would be really cool. I never want to imitate, I just try and make it my own in some way. (Glory is an artist in many mediums and in her shop, Lucky Lady Bug Designs, you'll find crocheted items, key fobs, jewelry, and more!)

Merily said: I tend to avoid looking too hard at things in my field because I don't like my style to be influenced, even if it was subconsciously by me having seen something in passing (same thing when I used to write- I refused to read LotR parodies when I was writing one years ago). I mean, I'll still sometimes look around just out of curiosity at other art to see all the pretties, but I try not to pay too close attention to it if it's something I do.
I do love all my Etsy teams and Artfire guilds, though! I definitely get inspiration from them (especially the ones that run challenges), and it's so helpful to be around people who share your interests. :) (Merily is crochet, clay, and jewelry artist with a passion for fantasy. You can find her work on artfire at MeriGreenLeaf.)

Bead and Button
Lapidary Journal bead and jewelry catalogs Somerset Studio books from the library for my dyed and painted clothing, inspiration comes from the world of nature around me
(Splendid Little Stars also works in a variety of different mediums. On her blog you'll see her stunning photography, at Sparkly Park you can find her jewelry, and at Splendid Little Stars you will find her fabric work!)

Silver Parrot said: Lately I've been taking pictures of "nature" (the beach, butterflies, insects, flowers, etc.) and using them for inspiration. Nature is not shy about mixing color and yet they always seem to "work." (Silver Parrot is a jewelry artist who's work definitely reflects that love of color!)

Julie Antinucci said: You asked, so my favorite magazines are The Quilter and American Patchwork And Quilting (a Better Homes and Garden Mag). Both of these have things each month that have modern fabric and modern patterns, none of that dark and depressing fabric that I don't like. (You can find a variety of fun fabric items in her shop Creative Mines).

MemoriesforLifeScrabooks said: You're so right. You can admire work of other in your field and take from them...but create something totally your own :) (You can find awesome scrapbooks in her shop - which is now on Artfire!

StoryBeader said: I love looking at the etsy bead weavers. Some of my favorite jewelry artists are in that team! {:-D (At Story Beader you'll find a variety of beautiful jewelry - each with it's own haiku!)

Patchfirstshop said: Always get inspirations from Wedding Magazines.. I love to see the wedding gowns and think about what design of jewelry to match those dresses. (And it certainly shows in the lovely jewelry you'll find at Patch First Shop!)

Stay tuned for next weeks tips - I have an interview lined up for you guys that I think you'll love!

They Were All There at Dolores

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(Jockey's Tank Top, Levi's Shorts, Dirty Laundry Boots)

My obsession to dried mangoes has started once again.
Back in LA when I had easy access to Costco I used to buy the Philippine Dried Mangoes every week and finished the whole bag in less than three days. I wasn't able to get my hands on dried mangoes eversince i moved to SF but guess what my ingenius bf found at walgreens? Dried Mangoes!

Sale Item of the Week - Patriotic Woven Bracelet!

This fun bracelet was hand woven, bead by bead! Have fun wowing your friends with it's beautiful sparkle, and showing your pride in your country at the same time :)

This bracelet is approximately 7 inches long. I can make it to fit any size wrist, but please account for approximately one to two weeks time for custom orders, thank you!

On sale this week only for $40 plus $2 shipping and handling - and I'll ship to anywhere in the world!

Geometry Earrings with threads

Zmizone's creations has came out with these beautiful creations using thread to form some kind of geometry designs.
Earrings with thread 2

Earrings with thread "Black and white"


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Crafty ADD Update #1

I had so much fun with my post last week "Queen of the Crafty ADD" that I decided I want to make it a regular feature!

To start off...I want to show a knitting project that I've been working on all summer! Ok, so I haven't worked on it in at least a month... See I didn't know how to cast off and that's how long it took for Mom and I to manage to get together for her to show me! I could have just looked it up on-line but I figured since this has been a "Mommy and Me" thing that I'd wait until she could show me. The scarf isn't done - but it's done for now. I want to add fringe and I'm trying to decide if I want to bead the fringe I'm putting it aside. I did look at some beads while at the store the other day, but I didn't find any that were right for this scarf. So until I do...or until I decide to go for straight fringe...it's put away in the bin!

Oh yes, and this is my second knitting project ever :D I'll do another knitting project after I'm done with my current crochet project. I only want to have one yarn project at a time. I do try to limit ADD-ness a just a wee bit!

Speaking of crochet projects - I've come a long ways since last week! I've been taking to this like a duck to water :D The current plan is to do 15 squares in each color and then I'll lay them all out and decide how I want the pattern to look and figure out if I need any more of any of the colors. I have the first color done and I started on the second one - a lighter green :)
I finished up the second penquin on my bookmark this week and started in on the third! I've worked on it just about every day this week...which is a big difference from before. I had been going through a big down period when it came to cross-stitch, and now I'm back and kicking!

There is NO WAY I could update you on all my jewelry projects during the week. Besides, you get to see my stuff in other posts through out the week! But it wouldn't be a true ADD update if I didn't show you what's currently in the works! I usually have at least one bead weaving project going at all times and today is no exception. I'm working a bracelet in brick-stitch. The pattern is actually stolen from a cross-stitch book that had a bunch of edging patterns. I thought it looked cool so now it's going to be a bracelet!

We'll see how much I get done this next week with moving. It could go either way. I might get a ton done as I'm forcing my self to relax inbetween spurts of packing and then unpacking...or I may get very little crafting done. You'll find out next week!

The Big Meeting

I met Danny's family yesterday. It was a little awkward, but it went pretty well.

Some background. Danny has been in two previous relationships with girls who treated him like shit. So of course his mother and sisters are a little protective of him. It SUCKS being the new girl..being grilled and knowing that they are judging you and waiting for you to make one wrong move.

We went to the pool with his sisters. I did a little bonding with his seventeen year old sister. She straight up told me she was expecting not to like me. We had a cookout with his parents, I was grilled pretty hard about school and all the other usual first meeting stuff. I think I did pretty good though, his sisters hugged me when I left. Which made me feel really good. And his mother told Danny that I was "very, very pretty." Hopefully that wasnt followed with "..but she is kinda weird." Or something like that!

Next step, meeting my parents on Labor Day weekend! Our big (and way too short) trip to Boston!

Meet Perri Jackson - Featured Guest Artist

Got to know from http://www.jewelrylessons.com/article/perri-jackson-shaktipaj-featured-live-video that my favorite jewelry artist will be interviewed live. Here are the details.

Date: Sunday July 26, 2009Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: http://www.livevideo.com/liveshow/The-Jewelry-ConnectionNotes: Join us for a live interview with guest independent jewelryartist Perri Jackson! A phenomenal talent with wire wrapped jewelry!Her website is www.shaktipajdesigns.etsy.com
Where: http://www.livevideo.com/liveshow/The-Jewelry-ConnectionTime: 12pm PST 2pm CST or 3pm EST depending on where you are in the USATime: if you're in Europe show time is 9pm except in the UK where itis 8pm

I won't be able to join. But hope you guys will enjoy the show!

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Name that glaze contest!

Time for another glaze naming contest! I have a couple of new glazes that I'm stumped for great names. First the new glazes that I've already named... I think I was inspired by the earthy shades in the Art Bead Scene challenge so here are Wheat and Coffee. They both have some interesting variations that occur depending on the thickness that I apply the glaze. I like the ivory and camel shades in the Wheat glaze. The Coffee glaze has a lot of depth that reminds me of black coffee that's just had some creamer swirled in.
So here's what's left to be named...
Glaze #1 has a smoky base with bright, almost cobalt accents where it's thicker.Glaze #2 is a lighter brown shade with golden undertones. I already have a glaze named Toffee otherwise I might have chosen that. It's a fair bit lighter than the Coffee glaze. So, here's how to play- Leave a comment with your suggestion for what I should name one or both of the glazes above. If I choose your suggestion, I'll send you the pendant above in the glaze that you named. Just for fun, I'll also do a random drawing for the Wheat pendant shown above for anyone who also blogs about my giveaway. Just leave a comment with a link to your blog post to be entered!

oops-edited to add a deadline (I always forget that part!) Let's say deadline is midnight PST Tuesday July 28th

Look at these Pretties!

Not much to say today. I've been packing and crafting and packing and crafting... My mono-pod has been missing all week so I haven't been able to take new pictures. So I've got a LOT of new things for you guys to see soon! I did have a few things to re-list and a few things I had pictures already of that got listed though! Which is your favorite?

Trendy Bridesmaid Jewelry Your Maids Will Love

There is such a variety of bridesmaid jewelry out there, that finding a trendy piece that matches your wedding colors and theme is easy to do. Giving the gift of bridesmaid jewelry to your maids is a gift that continues after the wedding. Finding trendy pieces that both compliment your bridesmaids gown, but also compliment the color scheme is a task in itself.

With vintage with a modern twist being a fashion forward style, this also translates to many styles of bridesmaids jewelry as well. There are many beautiful filigreed designed bridesmaid jewelry designs, they provide a vintage flair with modern crystals and pearls that add the final touches.

Finding jewelry pieces for your bridesmaids is one of the nice ways to say thank you for being a part of the special day. Selecting quality made products that offer a timeless design actually gives your bridesmaids a piece that they can add to their own accessory collection and wear for many occasions to come. Most style necklaces can be worn with a pair of jeans and a great blouse to up the fashion notch a bit. Trendy bridesmaid jewelry selections also allow for your bridesmaids to wear their jewelry with great skirts and dresses that they may wear to other weddings, celebrations and memorable events.

When you select your bridesmaid jewelry, try to search for pieces that will first compliment their bridesmaids gowns, your wedding style and color scheme. Finding a great piece that matches their gowns and fits their style as well is a gift to your bridesmaids that will keep on giving. They will love and appreciate the thought you placed into their bridesmaid jewelry selections.



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SEA DROPS MEET THE BLUE SKY NECKLACE with Murano glass beads and crystal beads

Another great creation from Ayatasarim! Below is the write up about the creation from her:

I inspire from the sea and blue sky, and create a necklace that sea drops meet the blue sky by the earth.
It is a simple, lovely and stylish necklace which you can use daily:)
It is special and hand made. It has blue Murano glass beads and blue-white crystal beads. I used silver plated wire. The chain is Rhodium plated metal. Big hoop is metal accessoary which symbolizes the earth.
It is a nice necklace for spring and summer.


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Friday's Featured Artist - Spirit Essence Art

This weeks artist is a gal with not only incredibly talent - but a huge heart! Arlene of Spirit Essence Art has been a huge encouragement to me, and I hope that you love her art work as much as I do!
1. What type of art work do you do?

Right now, I am a painter using watercolors and oils. I also enjoy creating pages in my art journal, which sometimes in which I use paints, collage techniques, and the use of markers, pens, and a bit of stamping.

2. How did you get started doing art work?

I started doing crafts many years ago, from macramé to pottery, and stained glass. I even had my own brick and mortar stained glass supply and gift shop for several years. It was during this period that I decided to take a drawing class, so I would feel more secure about drawing up my own custom designed stained glass patterns for clients. The class I took was divided into two sections. The first section, that I was in, consisted of people taking the drawing course. The second one had the students that were taking painting.

I learned a lot about drawing, though I was intrigued with what the painting students were doing and I kept walking over to the easels to see what those people were doing. The following semester, I signed up for the class again, but this time signed up for the painting segment! That’s how I learned to paint with oil paints, and I have loved painting ever since. This past year I have been teaching myself the use of watercolors, and am fascinated with how different they are from oils.

3. Do you do any other crafts?

Well, I still have all my stained glass gear and am actually teaching beginning stained glass at the local community college. I also have spent years creating glass treasures by fusing it in glass kilns, including jewelry and other, larger art pieces. I am not doing any new glass creating these days, though I still have a lot of pieces that I created last year, and that are in my Artfire shop.

4. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

Of the glass pieces, I would say it is my Rainbow Border Square Glass Bowl because I just love the spectrum of clear colors or the Red Starfish Dichroic Glass Pendant because of the sparkly glass in it and the starfish is a special symbol to me.

Of the paintings in my shop, my favorite one is my Underworld Fantasy Watercolor because it was so free and spontaneous, and I love the colors in it.

5. Where do you sell your work?

Right now I only have a shop on Artfire.com though I am looking for more venues for my paintings, especially ones that will offer the possibility of prints. http://www.artfire.com/users/SpiritEssenceArt

6. Do you blog?

Yes I do! I love to blog now, though it was difficult at first for me to post regularly, since I couldn’t conceive in the past that anyone would be interested in what I was doing. Now, I especially like to post in my blog since I am creating so often, to share what I have created as well as any of my “process” – both my internal process and some of how and what I use to create the paintings. I realized that I just love reading others’ blogs with this kind of information, so I want to share my own so others might also enjoy what I am learning and experiencing. For me it is a way to reach out to others and share myself, something that I am making more of an effort to do lately. For anyone who is interested, my blog is http://www.SpiritEssenceArt.com and I love to have new viewers as well as comments.

7. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?

Yes I am: I am on Twitter (www.twitter.com/arlenemh), Facebook (www.facebook.com/arlenemh), Plurk (www.plurk.com/spiritessenceart) and a few other smaller networks.

8. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?

Sometimes I listen to music while I work, often some New Age kind of music or motivational music, but more often than not, I love the silence of my studio and enjoy just hearing the birds singing or my own thoughts in my head.

9. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*

Though I am a US citizen, I lived for 10 years in New Zealand and am a permanent resident there. I went there because I had met and fell in love with my husband at an international spiritual / personal growth retreat in Australia, and he was from there. I went to join him in the South Island of New Zealand where he lived, and we were married there eventually. They were wonderful years and I grew a lot as an individual and loved the natural surroundings and lovely people there.