Random Thoughts on a Sunday Evening

I rearranged the living room last week, which left one of our walls totally empty. So, we bought more shelves today..I can't wait to get them up and start displaying more pictures! After I post this blog I'm headed over to Shuttefly and Snapfish to print out some more pictures! 

Which reminds me, if anyone still needs Christmas ideas for me...a Shutterfly gift certificate would be amazing! I also haven't scrapbooked in forever, so scrapbooking stuff would be equally amazing!

We aren't decorating for Christmas. We don't have decorations and we won't be here for Christmas...so really, buying things would be a waste of money. Instead, we'll hit up after-Christmas sales to stock up for next year. Good idea, right?

The post office is going to love me tomorrow. I need stamps for Christmas cards and bachellorette party invitations! Holy expensive!

Miley is into everything. She has an odd attraction to my purse...no matter how high or awkwardly placed it is. She once ate my birth control, last week she ate $5, and she was just running around with $10. Oh, and this morning she found a razor that was in there (I'm not the best roadtrip packer...) and I'm pretty sure she swallowed it. Lovely. I will now be keeping my purse on....

     I really really want a "coat tree." This one would look perfect in my newly decorated living room!

Guess who turns the big 2-5 this week!?

Enjoy the last few hours of your weekend!