I'm a scrollsaw wood artisan I've been addicted to the scrollsaw for going on 22 years and I use recycled and recovered wood in as many pieces as possible
2. How did you get started doing art work?
I've been artistic and creative all my life so it naturaly progressed as I got older they say its becuase I'm a Libra but I don't know about that
Yes I love to paint Landscapes and lighthouses are one of my favorite subjects I paint on just about anything I can get my hands on including saws rocks old boards. I try very hard to use recycled pieces in all my work.
4. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?
That would have to be my fretwork Christ on the Cross I'm very proud of that piece and draw my inspiration from it
5. Where do you sell your work?
6. Do you blog?
Yes I have a blog at chelsealynndesigns.blogspot.com
7. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
8. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
Yes I'm alway listening to Blockhead Radio at blockheadradiolive.com or my oldies from the sixties and seventies
9. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
I am disabled and on oxygen but I try really hard not to let it limit my creativity in any way.
Larry is also involved in a couple of endevours to help other artisans that I wanted to let him share about - so here they are :)
Well the Crazy Train was born out of the Artfire Forums it was the brainchild of Paula Picard of Picard creative It was a little idea to help promote each other that turned into cross country express. Larua from LaDeDa Creations is now in charge of the the CT project and I write and voice all the radio ads on Blockhead Radio (which BHR has donated the airtime for). You can still sign up for the crazytrain by looking in the artfire forums for the signup thread But be warned theres a long waiting list we headed toward 200 riders on the train and I'm not a third of the way through the ads each ad runs 2 days.

The Indie Arts Studio was yet another of Paula Picards Ideasshe set up the origanal site then brought me onboard as a web master for the site. the site is for artisans to promote there shop and arts and thats all its for right now until July it is free to put up your ad on the site starting in july it will cost a small 10.00 per month fee to advertise we don't keep this money for ourselves all the money will be put into ads for the site to draw traffic to the site and all the artists ads. we think this will be a very sucsessful way to advertise as we will be able to pool all of our money to buy bigger and better ads. you can see the site at http://www.indieartsstudio.com/Indieartsstudio.html