These are some ATCs I have received. The first is from Mafiosagrrl. It's called "Silver Lining." Love all the extras she sent! Check out her photostream here and her blog here. The second is from hopeless shade. It is a dress made from Ferrero Rocher wrappers. Love it! Check out her photostream here. You can see more of her art on her web page. The third is from ATC Greengiraffe; it is called "Usagi Kokeshi." Check out her blog and photostream. The fourth is from Roo2007. She sent an extra (which I was extra delighted to find!). Not only does she make beautiful mixed media cards, but also lovely hand drawn ones as well. I had to get one of each! You can find her photostream here.
These cards are all so beautiful and well-crafted. I look forward to trading with each of these ladies again in the near future!