Here's the bottom line...The economy is bad right now. It's no secret. Sales are slow, credit is hard to is just not circulating.
President Obama addressed the nation last night in regards to his proposed solution (read article and see video here if you missed it) to this crisis. While watching this myself, the one thing that truly stood out to me was his remark about the lack of money in circulation. If people are losing jobs and have no money to spend, there is no money circulating. Bam...recession. If people are being very choosy on what to spend money on, there is no money circulating. Bam...hard economic times. The point is, we need to get this money moving. If money doesn't move, businesses suffer and thus, more money doesn't move. It's a Catch-22. A double-edged sword, if you will. Like other's in this country, I have been very choosy on what I spend my money on, but I am trying to spend what I can and still pay my may just be a little less spending. Sound familiar?
Last week, I launched a Stimulus Sale in my Alterity Art shop on Etsy. Most items have been reduced to 50% off. This sale is for a limited time only. The point of this sale is to encourage the re-circulation of money and allowing those who are being very careful with thier spending to enjoy the not-so-forgotten feeling of purchasing something for themselves or others without the guilt of spending too much.
Here is a sampling of what you will find in my shop. Got a birthday coming up? Get in on the sale! Got a bonus at work? Get in on the sale! you you go...