
One of the blogs that I follow is called "Thursday Sweet Treat." I've only been following a long for a few weeks now - but I love it! Each week Natasha, the lovely host, puts up a new theme challenge for artisans to work on. Then, the next week, she displays all the lovely entries! I can't tell you how much fun it is to see the same theme interpreted by different artists across so many different genres of art work! I didn't get to participate in last weeks because I was too sick - but I was very inspired by this poem that another artist posted. So, with her permission, I'm reposting it here. You can find Kelly and her art work on etsy - just follow this link!

Dreaming in Color

they talk you know…

especially at night, tucked away in their bottles and bags and tubes.

and they spend a lot of time bickering and complaining…

“should have used us, what was she thinking”

“we’re the favorites”

(and they’re right, the greens ARE my favorites)

“she bought more of those!”

but eventually they quiet and drift into sleep…

and with sleep comes dreams

and did you know…

beads dream in color.