In the working world, I was a financial counselor. I saw eight clients every day with most appointments lasting one hour and many times more. Needless to say, I worked lots of overtime. What helped me stay on schedule? My secretary. Okay, fast-forward to today. I don't have a secretary anymore. I got so spoiled on other people handling and filling in my schedule that I forgot how to do it myself. I'm so used to looking in my book and having it all filled out for me.
Today, I use a calendar and a home-made day timer (what can I say? I am cheap), but sometimes seem to find myself behind the 8-ball with my schedule. Deadlines, shows, show applications, etc.
Here is where you come in. What live-saving technique do you use to keep your time organized? Please, do tell all! If I don't get anything out of it, maybe a fellow reader will. So...spill the beans......
Oh, and don't forget to thank your secretary and treat her very well if you have one!